The Memories

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My heart throbbed as my baby girl clung to me like her life depended on it. She was bruised and weak. She felt like she had lost weight in the time she was away from us. When she pushed me away inside the warehouse I swear you could hear my heart shattering into a million pieces. But I had to remain strong for my girl. She may have been angry but she was mostly confused. I don't know what those sick men said to her but she seemed so frazzled upon seeing me. 

"We need to get her to the hospital." Hayden said wincing at the large gash on the back of Thea's head. Suddenly her grip around my neck loosened and her body went limp in my arms. "Shit." I muttered shifting her weight so I could support her head. "Get in the car." I ordered my sons who all did as I said quickly. 

The entire drive, I tried to wake her up and find any indication that she was even somewhat concision but other that one small whine she stayed completely unresponsive. "She has a pulse." I noted when I checked her wrist for a heart beat. The anger I felt tripled every time I looked down at the innocent soul that laid in my lap. 

She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of this. I vowed to protect my angel and I failed. I know that boys feel the same way but it isn't their fault. It's mine. The memories we had created over the last 4 months flashed through my mind. Our first meeting, when she was too scared to even look me in the eye. 

The first time she had ever seen the bee movie or any movie for that matter. When she trusted me enough to comfort her after that horrible nightmare. The beach and the party and the movies we've watched and games we've played. When she finally felt safe for the first time in her life. In the short time she's been ours we've all fallen in love with this bubbly little girl. We have so many memories left to make. 

I'm not religious in any way but while I was sitting in the car cradling my baby, I asked God to save her. I asked God to recognize how much this world needed her and how much I needed her. I just hope he was listening. I didn't waste anytime when we arrived at the hospital getting out of the car so fast I almost hit my head. But I didn't care. I didn't have time to care. Barreling into the hospital I demanded that someone take care of Thea right away. 

"I'm sorry sir but you'll have to wait." The nurse said obviously not seeing the tremendous amounts of injury coating my little girl. "She hit her head she won't wake up!" I yelled holding Thea up so the nurse could see the gash. "Oh my." She whispered. She ran off, hopefully to get a doctor. Seconds later she came back with a stretcher and told me to put Thea down on it. I kissed my daughters forehead. 

"Be strong for me baby girl." I mumbled hoping that she heard me. She was rushed off and I followed her with my eyes but a nurse told me I had to stay in the waiting room. "She'll be okay Dad." Alex came behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "She's stronger than all of us combined." Hayden agreed coming to my other side. 

I nodded absently and went to take a seat in the waiting room. None of us knew what to do. I could see my sons just as distressed as I was. She really was the light of our lives and losing her..No. I can't think like that. Thea'll be fine. She had to be. I don't know how long I sat there tapping my foot lost in thought before the doctor approached me. 

"Is the guardian of Thea Mason here?" She called looking around the room. I stood up lightning fast. "Me that's me, I'm her guardian." The doctor nodded. "Well she's stable but has major concussion. Her ribs are bruised but not broken." I let out a sigh of relief. A concussion I could deal with. 

"Is she awake?" Alex asked the doctor nervously. Her face turned sad. "Unfortunate she is currently in a coma but there is a 80 percent chance she'll come out of it soon." Of course my relief had to be short lived. "I want to see her." I demanded. The doctor sighed. "Of course sir. Come along." The boys all stood up and followed us down the hallway of never ending numbers. 

Finally we reach room 107 and the doctor opened the door. Somehow Thea looked even smaller in the hospital bed strapped up to all those machines. The sight made me want to puke. No child should ever be in this position. Especially not my Thea. "I'll give you guys some space." The doctor whispered going to leave the room. "Wait." I called after her. She stopped and turned to me. "What can I do for you sir?" Sighed thinking of how I wanted to phrase this question. 

"Was she- was there-" I took a deep breath. "Was there any signs of sexual misconduct." I winced at the word petrified of the answer. "No sir. There was no sign of anything like that." The doctor told me looking down at her clip board. "Oh thank god." I whispered with a hand to my chest. "Sir, if I may say, your daughter is strong. I don't know her but I can tell she has the qualities of a survivor." I manged a small smile to the woman.

"She does doesn't she?" The doctor nodded. "You're a lucky man to have such a girl in your life." 

My heart swelled repairing itself a little. 

"Yes. Yes I am."

A/N-What do we think? Will Thea forgive them or will they have to prove their loyalty? Everyone was concerned that she was raped and I am not that awful and did not let that happen. Rape is a very serious topic and I feel that it was too serious for this story. I would never want to make light of something so awful. 

Does anyone want to make a cover for me? Because I'd really love it if someone would. Message me if your interested and I'll give you an email to send me you submissions. 

Don't forget to submit questions for characters below. I've decide to have the Q & A be the last chapter so you'll have many more opportunities until then. 










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