The Innocent

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"Why does it matter if he's a boy or a girl?" I asked genuinely confused. 

When Greyson told them that I had been hanging out with a boy Beau and Drew seemed to get very mad although I can't for the life of me think of why 

"He's a boy! I know how little boys think about girls and I don't want that for you Thea!" Beau said angrily. "Beau they're literally 9 take a breath." Drew defended. "Why are you not more worried about this?" Beau spat at his older brother 

"I was for a second but then I remember that she's in fourth grade and it doesn't really matter. When she's older we can get mad about it but for now let the girl be 9." Drew said trying to placate Beau. 

Greyson laughed in the back seat "Beau your dramatic reaction was so worth starting this." Beau reached into the back seat and smacked his twin "Shut the fuck up I am not dramatic!" he yelled proving Greys point even further 

"What would boys do to me anyway?" I asked no one in particular. Beau's angry eyes softened when he looked at me "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about baby." He said softly. "Guys remember how innocent she is." Drew mumbled to the other 2.

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed "I'm not a baby." I cursed my high pitched voice filled with that annoyingly constant nervousness. "Yes you are." All 3 boys said in unison. 

I looked out the window in annoyance and Greyson wrapped an arm around me."You're not a baby but you're our baby." He whispered in my ear. I looked up and smiled at my brother "I'm okay with that." I said softly. He grinned sweetly and kissed my temple "You really are too sweet for this world." 

Once the ride was over we all climbed out of the car and I made a mad dash for the front door after Drew told me they would come in a second. Hayden had told me he was coming home early to see me and I was so excited to tell him about my day 

"There's my girl!" He said when I ran into his arms "How was 4th grade?" Hayden set me up on the counter so we were eye level. "It was good. I made friends and I colored a picture and we did math and we went on the swings and and and..." I rambled trying to think of all the things that happened at school 

"Woah woah woah slow yourself down there little firecracker." Hayden laughed 

"Tell me about your friends that you met." He urged with a smile "Well I met Abbey and Collin and they're really nice." His smile faltered again. "Is Collin a boy?" I nodded and he sighed cupping my face with his hands. "If he does anything to you, go find one of your brothers at school okay?"

 I was still so confused "What would he do to me? The twins and Drew said the same thing." Hayden didn't answer and pulled me in a hug. "Stay pure and innocent forever." He mumbled into my hair. I pulled away and Hayden tickled my stomach making me giggle.

"Go get changed firecracker." I nodded and jumped off the counter running up the stairs to my room.


I watched my baby sister run upstairs to change and I couldn't help but smile. That little girl is going to be the death of all of us. 

Thea is so innocent it's almost scary. 

There is so much she doesn't know about this world and I'm afraid that her naive nature will get her hurt. Drew and Beau walked into the kitchen and Greyson followed behind obviously sulking. 

"What's going on?" I asked the 3 sour looking boys. "Grey's little girlfriend called Thea a slut today at lunch." He said throwing a glare at Greyson 

"She's not my girlfriend!" Grey defended. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Are you serious?" No one should call any 4th grader a slut and most certainly no one should call my baby sister a slut. "Yeah, Grey should've cut that bitch off last summer but for some stupid reason he kept talking to her." Beau was obviously just as upset about this event as Drew was 

"What can I say,she was good for a make out session." Grey said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes at my little brothers player ways. "Well obviously her personality sucks." I told them. 

Unlike the 3 idiots in front of me, I actually care about something other than kissing ability and boobs. Personally I was more of an ass kinda guy.

"Did you take care of it?" I directed to Drew. He nodded  "Taken care of." A thought suddenly crossed my mind. "You didn't beat her up did you?" Drew had a temper and I knew how protective he was of Thea. 

We all wanted to protect her from anymore pain than our poor baby has already been through. "No, I just threatened to have Jenna beat her up if she did it again."

 The Hart family have been good friends of our family for a very long time and their daughter Jenna goes to the same school as the other kids "Did Thea meet Jen yet?"

 We are planning to have their whole family come meet Thea soon but we all got busy at the end of the summer and haven't got around to it. They also have 3 older sons and we don't want to overwhelm Thea before she's ready to be around that many people 

"No we, didn't get a chance before the wicked bitch of the west had to go after her." Beau said with a sigh. "Dad's inviting them over at the end of the week anyway." I told them. 

They all nodded "God that little girl is so fucking innocent. How is an angel like her a part of this world?" Beau frets as he puts his head down on the counter. "She asked me what a slut was after you guys left." We all laughed at that. "She's really something isn't she?" 

So innocent. So horrifyingly innocent. 

A/N-I actually really like this chapter and I wanted to show more of what the boys lives are like outside of Thea. Next chapter Thee will meet the Hart family! Make some predictions in the comments about how you think that will go.

Also if you haven't already go check out Nevertheless She Persisted I would love it if you could! I will be updating that very soon so go read the first few chapters!

Edited 7/26/20

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