The Mall

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They're acting weird. 

For the last few days, every time the news would come on someone would shut it off quicker than I could register anything. And it wasn't a This-is-boring-I-don't-wanna-watch-this kind of turning it off, it was There's-something-you're-not-allowed-to-see kind of rushed and frantic turning it off. 

But when I questioned Dad on this the only response I got was "The news is boring." which I thought was BS (a phrase I had heard Beau and Greyson use when something was unfair) but I never got anything better and if I tried they just came up with ways to distract me. And I hate to admit that it worked each time and I forgot my questions for the time being. 

I was beyond sick of being in the house after nearly 2 weeks of recovery so Hayden suggested we finally go shopping so I didn't have to wear Beaus clothes anymore. 

I gladly agreed and soon enough Me Hayden and the twins, were in Haydens car on the way to the Mall (I had hear of those from other kids in school and such but obviously had never been to one) We arrived at a huge building and I am simply in awe 

"Never been to a mall huh?" Hayden asked sharing a look with the twins. I shook my head with my jaw still hitting the floor. 

Hayden laughed at me one more time before taking my hand and leading me inside the monstrous building. There were swarms of people, it was quite frankly overwhelming.

 I tightened my grip on Hayden's hand as we made our way towards the shops. 

We shopped for quite some time, getting clothes and decorations for my bedroom and other things I needed. I had never had anyone buy me anything let alone all this stuff. I felt undeserving of so much love and attention. Beau and Greyson fought their way through the mall bickering over the smallest things.

 Hayden told them to cut the shit (his words not mine) but they didn't listen. We were standing in the food court trying to decide what to eat and of course the twins had to argue about it. Being sick of their relentless bickering I tuned them out. 

I was looking around the mall slightly fascinated by all the people around. Teens walked in large groups, mothers pushed baby carriages, old couples walked hand in hand, and they all mixed with each other. 

My eye was drawn to a table with 4 men who seemed to be looking for someone. I looked closely at them sure I recognized them from somewhere. 

But when I realized from where, my heart stopped. When one of them saw me he stood up and slowly walked towards me.

 Joseph Turner.

Greg's best friend.

 He had joined Greg in some of the worst beatings I've ever endured. 

I must have let go of Hayden's hand a second ago as I just now realized I had drifted away from the others. My breathing picked up. I could feel my heart beat rapidly as Joseph got closer. Just when I thought I was done for, a hand was placed on my shoulder making me jump. 

When I saw that it was Hayden, I threw myself into his arms being to scared too care that we were in public.

 "Woah what's wrong baby?" He asked smoothing down my hair. 

Instead of responding I buried my face in his stomach, still trying to get my breathing under control "Hey it's okay Thee. What happened babe?" He asked bending down to me. I shook my head with tears in my eyes and he kissed the top of my head "Okay it's okay I'm here now." He whispered in my ear.

 When I didn't let go of him, Hayden sighed and picked me up. I couldn't get his awful face out of my brain. Like a tsunami, all the bad memories of him came flooding back. It was terrifying. 

We walked to the car with me still in Hayden's arms and the twins walked behind us with worried expressions plastered on their faces. We reach the car and Hayden tried to put me down but my grip on his t-shirt tightened 

"Thea you're okay. I don't know what you saw that freaked you out this much but nothing's gonna hurt you. You're safe I promise."

 I believed him enough to allow him to put me into the car. I was shaking the whole way home despite the comforting words and actions of my brothers.

  What was he going to do when he reached me?

 What would've happened if Hayden hadn't gotten to my first? 

 Why was he at a mall all the way out here? 

All I knew was I would be seeing his face in my nightmares. 

A/N-I don't love this chapter but oh well. Well someone may have been looking for Thea. What for? Is it Greg? Or someone else who wants revenge? I wanna hear some theories about what you think this all means! Don't be silent readers! 

Also thank you so freaking much for 26,000 views on my story. It's actually insane that that many people wanna read my crap. THANK YOU!

Edited 7/26/20

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