Chapter 32

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It's finally it. The day that I dreaded most. We have to attend that damn meeting today. And I can't help but feel that something bad is about to happen. I can't stop Flicker from panicking, she's trying to tell me something but all I understand is that something big is going to happen. Something most probably bad.

I look to my side where my mate was sleeping peacefully who somehow managed to remain optimistic about the whole deal. I watched as the light start to lit the room as the sun start shining in the sky. I hadn't, couldn't sleep all night, Flicker was pacing I'm my head all night. She begged me not to go to this meeting. Movement at my side caught my attention and I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

"Stop, I know you're awake."

I didn't respond, still trying to pretend. I know it will hurt him seeing me like this.

"Eddy baby I know you were up all night and really didn't help your case when I saw you close your eyes."

I sighed and opened my eyes. "I'm sorry I tried but there's a lot on my mind to sleep."

"It's okay. It's still early so at least close your eyes for some time and relax as much as you can."

I weakly nodded and do just that, if only I had any idea that this would be our last time together I would have spent it any other way. But then I only hoped to please him and keep him calm.

It had been two hours since then and somehow managed to do so. And it's time to start our journey to elders castle. Oh did I tell you that elder lives at a castle that is only visible to those who are invited.

We decided to meet at the hospital as Stephen is still there to make sure he is ready for this. We were waiting outside the hospital when Kyle and Stephen came out. Kyle was supporting his mate who was walking with slight limp and his bruises all healed and disappeared except for the faint shadow that they left behind to tell the story of his nightmare. I don't know if it's my nerve or everyone looked on edge. It's like I can feel tension or fear flowing through them and not just about the meeting but about something that none understand or point at. Even Adrian is on edge.

Everyone was getting ready to leave, everyone was on edge. But I…… I feel like crying. I just want to cry and throw a tantrum about not going to this meeting and tell everyone that elders could keep their opinion in their almighty ass. I for some weird reason know that no matter what happens there I would be the one who gets it worse. I know Adrian would get affected too but not like me. This is going to be a shit show for me. Being the alpha I have to comfort everyone and be their strength but today I can't. I need that comfort and strength from them. I know I can't just break, I have to be strong it's not a choice for me. I don't have the liberty to be weak.

I turned to Jay to handover the responsibility of pack in my absence and I can see the words of protest run through his mind.

"I know this sucks but I need you to be strong for me. I am giving you the responsibility of pack and it's members to you, to guide them and protect them in my absence. It's only you, I trust for this."

It sounded like farewell in my head and I can see in his eyes that he felt the same. But he chose not to mention and I couldn't feel more grateful.

We left in two cars, Kyle and Stephen in one and Adrian, dad and I in other. The drive was three hours long. The air in the car feels heavy and the silence was slaughtering our heart but no one dares to break it. Dad kept on looking at us at small intervals. I had to keep my focus on the road to avoid having a meltdown over something I don't understand. I was holding the steering wheel with the strength that left my knuckles white and steering wheel one breath away from snapping. I felt a hand on my thigh and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and relaxed my grip on the steering wheel. No matter how much strength I muster, I couldn't make myself to look at him, so I kept my focus on road and he kept his hand on my thigh drawing some soothing patterns on it. They kept me from breaking but there is a limit of what a mating bond could do.

After three long hours, we reached that dreaded castle. The moment we get out of the car the big doors guarding the castle opened, and what looks like a long path to the front door of the castle could be seen. Oh how much I wish we could enter in our car. But elders, they hate technology. They like living in the old world. That's why the first thing the guards did was take our phones, which also mean we can't contact anyone until they want us to.

It took us some fifteen minutes to reach that big wooden door with intricate carving which are the spells that keep any unwanted guest from entering or leaving. We had to keep our speed slow to accommodate Adrian and Stephen's pace. And another ten minutes to reach the conference hall like setting where this meeting would happen. We were waiting for the doors to open. I groaned someone please kill me in my head, but stop myself as I look at my surroundings, cause they actually might.

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