Chapter 34

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I must still be sleeping, it can't be real. My luck could not suck this much that I'm living my worst nightmare. Fay is here. The leader of elders Fay is here. And her presence does not fill with calm and warmth as legends go, it chilled my bones. She does not and I mean does not interfere with matters of mortals until and unless it's something really big which only happened once or twice in the whole history. If she's here, this is not going to end well for me and I'm not the only one who thought this. Every one of my family felt the same chill as I see their terrified face.
On the other hand, the blood moon pack was on cloud nine. They are considering this as their victory.

The silence lasted longer than what my poor heart could handle, but thankfully not too long as more accusations started to thrown in our way, all in the hope of getting approval from the one who could end our life just by snapping her fingers. I was wondering what was worst the silence or the words that were breaking it.

Fay listened to every word of what was said and what wasn't said. Whole times her cold and calculating eyes were on me, like staring directly at my soul. The power of her stare was so strong that I couldn't even make the words that were being said now from both side, it screamed me to look away and accept my defeat. But I didn't, I hold her gaze the entire time. It felt like if I back down now I won't be able to get up ever again. And I get all the strength I needed from the angel sitting beside me. My angel. Mine.

This lasted for what felt like hours. She still didn't give anyone any sort of attention as her eyes were still glued on me. She smirked at me right before her eyes shifted to Adrian. My Adrian. I felt my heart stop as I desperately tried to reach for him. I didn't what I was trying to do, I just want him gone. I didn't want him in the presence of those I couldn't protect him from.

I tried to get up from my seat when two strong hands pushed me face-first on the table and took hold of my hands which were forcefully pulled at the back and locked in silver handcuffs. Silver burned my skin as I struggled to look back at my captor. It was Ulysses which ceased all my struggle as I know I can't break free from him. I looked at my family only to find them in a similar situation minus the handcuffs, to which I felt somewhat thankful. Althea was holding Adrian down and was whispering something to him. Sylvester was holding Kyle and his mate was being held down by Cecil. And dad was being held down by Naomi. They all were struggling except for Adrian but that changed soon as Althea finished whatever she told him. He started saying no and struggling to break from her hold and shift toward me. This was enough to start the spark of the fight in me again as I tried resisting him with all I had, which wasn't much for him. He didn't have to break a sweat to keep me in place, he didn't as much have to apply more strength. I was truly helpless.

I didn't have to look at them to feel their excitement bubbling through them. They were enjoying our misery. At some point in the struggle, dad tried to reason with Fay, which in my guess didn't go quite well. I could still imagine that same smirk on her face, well all I could do right now is imagine as my face is pressed down on the table with the strength that might break it. Maybe I said that too early as I felt Ulysses grab a bunch of my hair and pulled my head up painfully making me look at her. She still had that smirk as I had imagined but there were several emotions running through her head, I could clearly see them on her face but I couldn't understand any of them. But in my defence, I didn't get much time to decipher them as she nodded to someone and I felt something prick my neck and everything turned black.

I felt trapped unable to move not just physically but mentally too. I myself didn't understand that, so I don't know how to explain it. I felt myself drifting somewhere, unable to control anything. I felt a block in my head, blocking me from……… I don't know. I got more aware as I started feeling my body. I was lying on a cold hard surface and air surrounding me felt restricting. I tried to move my hands, which burnt as hell. That did help me gain more consciousness, I get more aware of my surroundings and realized I need to open my eyes to know where I am right now.

Opening my eyes had never been this difficult as I tried to will my body to obey. It took a lot of efforts and time when I pried my eyes open. Only to find me in a dark place. I closed my eyes again in the hope that this time when I'll open them my surrounding would make more sense. Yeah, I know I'm so smart. I waited for the contradicting voice in my head to tell me otherwise. I waited and waited but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes in panic and tried to reach the deepest part of my brain, but I still couldn't find her. It's like she never existed. I tried again and again till I had to stop to focus on my erratic breathing. I couldn't find Flicker. She was gone.

I then remember everything that happened in that cold conference hall. I tried reaching out for dad, but nothing happened. Then I tried Kyle, then jay. I even tried Tyler but nothing. I couldn't reach them. It's like my whole life just vanished. I sighed as if accepting my defeat and look around. I was in a dimly lit dungeon. And I was lying on what seems like a metal bed that had a thin blanket instead of a mattress and one was covering. My hands were tied in silver handcuffs that had a small chain in between. This time they were tied at my front. I removed the blanket to get up when I noticed the same attention were given to my ankles. The chain does a great job of hobbling me. I gingerly get up as my body felt like I had run a marathon. I hobbled to the bars that were keeping me in this cell. I tried to look for guards or literally anyone who could answer some of my questions or tell me anything. The goddess must have hated me as no one came. I waited for what felt like hours or maybe days but nobody came.

What was my fault, why was I getting punished for something I didn't do. Why?

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