Chapter 39

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I finally completed the training or what I would like to call my beating, and they are going to let me go. I don't think I could ever forget anything that happened here, the way we were brought here or that I was drugged and locked in a fucking dungeon and I definitely can't forget the training/torture.

I had to fight against that asshole or I should say, Ulysses. He would definitely beat me more for calling him names. I had to fight against him until I was able to hit him once. Yeah once, that's all it took to complete his part of the training. He even gave me a smile, not his usual smirk, an actual smile. And that's how I entered the next stage of whatever it was. I refuse to call it training.
Next was Naomi and goddess she is scary. She has a special love for her daggers and let me tell you wouldn't want to be on the other end of it. She never misses and I mean never. I still don't know what I did to pass her test cause all I could recall from it was running like hell. I lost the count of times she stabbed me or nicked me. It was living hell cause unlike Ulysses she didn't give me any weapon or shield. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I did not earn any special bath or meal during her time. But somehow I managed to pass it and I'm not going to question it.

After her, came Althea and Sylvester with their mighty swords and their love for the blindfold. I don't know how they expected me to fight not one but two elders with a blindfold. It took me days to rely on my other senses, things that should be easy for me as being a werewolf and not just a werewolf, an alpha. But without the help of my inner wolf, I don't think I was any better than humans. And the fact that they didn't make any sound and are well-coordinated with each other wasn't a big help. As a result, I got beaten a lot which as I look in these past days has been constant, more constant than anything ever been. Thankfully they didn't use an actual sword or it would have been way worse and I fear that I might have lost a limb. Somehow I again managed to pass their test all I had to do was make a single hit. A single hit was all it needed to stop again.

But my nightmare was not ended after this, Cecil still had to take his chance with me. His speciality is hand to hand combat. And you would think that after spending my time with other elders I would have been able to stand against him for what 2 minutes. No, I didn't stand for two seconds. I didn't even know when it started or when it ended. That guy is way faster than flash, himself. And he broke more bones than all of them combined, something that I didn't know was possible.

But all's well if the end is well, no I still have to stay here as Fay wants to talk to me. Once I would have considered myself lucky for this opportunity but after all this, I just want to go back to my family and pray that I would never have to look back.

I got Flicker back so not everything is bad. She told me she too had to train somewhere. They had locked her out so she couldn't contact me. It doesn't matter where she was I'm just glad that I have her back, after living in fear of never having her back I'll gladly hear her irritating voice again.

"That's not what you said when I came."

"See, I don't care what you said. I'm just happy to have you."

I'm sure she had a comeback for that but she didn't get the chance as the door opened and they all come in. I'm back in that room at the exact same place where it all started. They came inside one by one and take their previous seat.

"So I see the little wolf is not that weak after all. She somehow managed to survive this.", Althea mocked.

To which I chose to ignore I didn't want to give them any reason to start that all over again. Instead, I turn my attention to Fay.

" Are you going to answer my question now?"

"Yes, my child. Ask what you want to know."


"Because you were weak. You needed to be strong for your mate, your pack and even for all other werewolves." Naomi told me.

"I don't understand what does I have to do anything with other werewolves."

"We are…… how do I put it? We are retiring."

"No offence, Fay but you guys don't really work that much," I said that before even realizing what I did.

"Are you crazy? Do you want us to be shunned from the world again?" Flicker scolded me but to both our relief Fay only smiled that warm smile that makes you feel at ease.

"Do know how old we are? We have lived centuries after completing our natural life cycle, after losing each and everyone we love. How much it takes us to come here and solve your quarrels? Don't we deserve to go back to our mates?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know how much you are sacrificing for us."

"We all are retiring, all the elders of different species."

"All? Then who would guide us without elders there would be chaos."

"We have figured out something for that. You don't have to worry about that."

"But I still don't know why I had to do all that, I had thought that you did that because you don't accept a human as my mate."

"No, it's not that. In fact, we think he is the best you could have," said Naomi.

"My child, you have no idea how difficult it was for the mother to select the right mate for you," Fay said with a distinct emotion.

"You were destined to be the alpha of your pack, but that made finding the right mate very difficult," Cecil said for the first time.

"Since you are a strong alpha you needed a mate who is also strong but selecting another alpha was not wise as you both would have many conflicts. And finding anything less than that meant you wouldn't be strong to fulfil your destiny," said Ulysses.

"That's why the mother picked that human for your mate. He has courage and compassion which he proved by fulfilling the role of both mother and father in his siblings' life. And as you fulfil the role of luna and alpha for your pack you needed a mate who could do the same."

"Your human mate has proved that mother's choice was indeed perfect. You both are a perfect match for each other. Now it's time for you to go and untie with your family." Fay said and within the blink of an eye I was outside and there was no castle anywhere in the sight.

"Damn you got us kicked out of elders castle. Girl, you have some amazing talent."

"Shut up Flicker."

"I mean I could expect this from Tyler but you. You need to work on your people skill."

I chose to ignore her cause I take my word back she is damn irritating and my family is waiting for me. I quickly shifted in my wolf form which took me some time as it had been a while since I shifted in this form. But once I shift I start running in my packs direction.

Adrian baby I'm coming.

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