Chapter 44

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Jay's POV

I couldn't sleep the whole night there was just too much on my mind. I wanted to stop Raven from entering the battlefield but I know that I should respect her decision as I can understand her reasons behind it. But I can't help but feel that this is so unfair on her part, the first whole pack thing she gets to experience would be this stupid war, she didn't even get the chance to know everyone well and I fear that for some it would be too late after it. I have absolutely no delusion that we could get through this unscratched, we will lose some of our pack members. I am worried about Eddy too; she didn't tell us about her own plan about the war placement and we couldn't question her at that time. Family or no family, you never question your alpha in a formal meeting or set up. But her being alpha didn't do anything to our worries, we know she would put every single pack member before her own safety which is expected from an alpha. I just need to look for her more than others.

Someone had to make Xavier understand why he can't fight and that task was given to most sensible of us, which obviously means me. So, that's how I was given the most difficult task of my whole life, explaining an ex-alpha why he cannot fight in a battle which puts all his children in danger. All I'm going to say is that if they ever gave me a task like this, I'm going to kill them.

She made a pretty good plan given the circumstances but no matter how good a plan sounds, its just a theory and on the field, things more often don't go according to our plan especially when your enemy had two months to form a plan of action and you barely a day. All we can do at this point is stick to the plan as much as we can and improvise where needed. We also need to make sure that all the injured wolves get the medical attention as soon as possible. We had a mantra, 'never leave a wolf behind.' Easier said then done, but we have to try our best.

I need to calm myself or Raven might feel my stress through the bond and that's the last thing I want. I should try to relax while I still can, Goddess knew how much I will need them in next few hours.

Morning couldn't have come faster; at the crack of dawn we received our very first warning of some suspicious activity near north-east border. Second warning followed after only a few minutes from other borders. It would take them less than fifteen minutes to reach pack house from river and twenty from other borders if they didn't receive any resistance in their path. Thankfully we have our first line defense present there and we, the second line would need good ten minutes to reach our designated positions.

"Everyone, get ready and take your position. And I need leaders to tell me after you take your position. I know we can beat them; I trust all of you and your abilities. Let's show them what we got," Eddy's tell us through our link and I turn to see if my mate was awake only to find her looking straight in my eyes.

"I know it's selfish of me and I know it's not possible but I still want to say it. I don't want you out there in danger where I can't ensure your safety. I know you are strong and you have the responsibility to protect pack as you are beta and all, but I still would do anything to keep you lock up here with me," she said looking in my eyes as her hands make their ways to hold my face and bring it closer to her, "Jay, I know it's not going to happen and I understand, I just want to say it. Please take care of yourself out there. Please I want you back in this room later in one piece."

The vulnerability that I was feeling through the bond it hit me like brick but before I could comfort her somehow, reassure her that everything would be okay, she gets up from the bed to get ready without giving me second glance. I think I should do the same, I will talk to her before heading out.

Given the urgency of the situation we only took five minutes to get ready and get to the main door of our home, we both pause before opening the door and I turn to her and tiptoed toward my face and planted her warm lips against mine. I held her close, feeling my brain going crazy with everything that's going on, but I disregarded it and continued to kiss her. The passionate kiss made my knees weak as her touch sent shivers and goosebumps down my spine. We broke away from the kiss as reality of what is happening seep in and we hugged each other before setting on our separate paths. We didn't say anything as we set on our path, we both had so many things to say to each other at the moment, most important being, "Don't go" but we knew it's kinda too late for that. I can just pray to Goddess above to keep her safe and give her strength to fight all the odds.

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