| Namjooning |

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After a while of peaceful silence, Namjoon clicked off of something and spun his chair around to face me.

"Do you wanna go somewhere with me?"

I looked at him with a confused expression as he smiled and stretched his arms.

"You brought your bike right?"

I nodded and looked at the time, it was already 9pm.

"Are you sure? What if someone sees us?"

He stood up with a smile and offered me his hand.

"Don't worry I do this all the time, there's a small chance someone will notice us~"

His smile convinced me as I took his hand.

He opened the door and we walked towards the elevator.

Once we got outside the cool air hit us. Namjoon handed me a mask as we walked over to the bike rack.

Two bikes sat there on the rack.

"Oh that's yours? I would have thought someone would bring you here with the other members.."

His face was covered with a mask but his smile was clearly visible from his eyes.

"I like to ride it here but sometimes we just drive here since it's faster."

I nodded as we took our bikes out.

"Just follow me~" He smirked while leaving.

I put my small bag in my basket and quickly got behind him.

The view of Seoul around us was beautiful and almost mysterious as most people were inside or not on the streets. Many lights were on in the building windows as we passed them.

We peacefully rode down some streets until the Han River came into view.

I gasped as the city lights reflected off of the water. Trees peacefully swayed to the cool winds as we entered a trail.

It's been years since seeing this view and it strangely looked different.

Eventually both of us were side by side on the empty path, smiles glued to our faces.

After a few seconds a realization hit me.

Am I... Namjooning with Namjoon?

A giggle escaped my lips as we neared a small stop that looked out onto the water.

Once we got off the bikes, he took his cool hand in mine and held it gently.

"I almost forgot how beautiful this place is, it's been years since I've been here."

Namjoon smiled while looking out at the sparkling water.

"I like coming here after work or when I need something to do, it's really peaceful at night."

I nodded and giggled again.

"It's almost mysterious since it's just the two of us for miles, I would have expected more people to be around here at this time since it's beautiful."

He nodded, agreeing.

"I know right? I guess they haven't figured this out yet because now is the best time to walk around here."

Our heads turned at the same time as we made eye contact.

His soft eyes looked into mine as I could practically see his soft smile through the mask.

After a long pause of silence, he spoke.

"Y'know, it's crazy that out of almost sixty thousand people, we were the ones who bonded."

bonded by chance | knj ✔Where stories live. Discover now