| Holiday Special! ~ Cookie Contest |

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henlo everyone! i had my followers vote on which book i should add a holiday special chapter on and by a lot, bonded by chance won! this chapter was delayed a lot due to writers block since i wanted this chapter to be good so my apologies lol ('∀`=) ive missed this book and the characters so even though it's short, i hope you enjoy! (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

this current chapter takes place before the epilouge, the trio still live in their apartment and they all have their previous soulmates.

"Today is a big day, I'll show everyone that I can make the best holiday cookies!" Haneun said with furrowed eyebrows as she moved her way down the hallway.

She stepped over the two dogs as they watched her curiously.

"You mean you're gonna show everyone that you can burn down the kitchen the fastest?" Ryujin mumbled from the couch as she put her phone down.

A snicker left Jihyo as she stood up. "Don't be mean! Haneun isn't a bad baker! She's just a little-"

The sound of a pan falling interrupted them. Haneun groaned while picking it up and placing it next to the other ingredients she just brought back from the store.

"Clumsy." Jihyo finished her sentence, earning a hard glare from the girl as she pulled out her phone.

"I have a recipe for sugar cookies, it's a basic one but once I decorate them everyone will be amazed, nobody will even bat an eye at Sana's or Jin's cookies- I also have a secret ingredient to add~" Haneun continued rambling to herself as her two friends watched with a smile.

"Speaking of Sana and Jin, aren't they using the same kitchen?" Ryujin asked as Jihyo nodded. A vision of them destroying the dorm flashed through everyone's eyes.

"I wonder how they're doing-" Ryujin mumbled to herself before patting Clover on the head.


"You were supposed to let me use the oven first!" Sana barked at Jin while holding her tray of perfectly shaped cookies.

Jin looked at her with a defensive face, sarcasm dripping from his wicked smile.


"You did that on purpose!" She said before shoving his body out of the way. His eyes widened as she opened the oven, taking out his tray of cookies only to shove hers inside.

"What happened to the 'no sabatoge' rule?" Jungkook mumbled while seated beside Jimin and Taehyung. The two shrugged their shoulders as they all continued watching the two soulmates bicker while fighting for the oven.

The three maknaes watched with deadpanned expressions, their heads bobbing back and forth like kittens as the two moved around the kitchen.

A sigh left Yoongi's lips as Namjoon and Hobi giggled, recording the soulmates for future purposes.


It didn't take long until everyone gathered at the dorms. Haneun walked in confidently, Ryujin and Jihyo giggling behind her.

"I think Haneuns already won-" Jimin spoke with a giggle, earning a hard glare from Jin and Sana.

"Shut up, nobody has tried her cookies yet-" Sana gave a hard glare to the maknaes playfully as they all pouted on the stools.

"Not you all making a holiday party sound like a battlefield-" Namjoon sighed, facepalming next to Yoongi as he bursted out into quiet laughter.

"Shall we start the cookie taste testing? Who wants to volunteer?" Jin said as Haneun put her tray of cookies besides Jin and Sana's on the counter.

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