| Jealousy |

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I quickly grinned as we walked inside the house to see a mother feeding several puppies.

Jihyo nodded and smiled.

"Their owner has to be at work all day so I have to watch them and care for a couple of the puppies since they aren't in the best condition, the owner said I could invite people over if I wanted though so I thought you'd want to see them~"

"They're adorable~"

Jihyo walked over to the living room couch where two of the puppies laid.

"These two haven't fully opened their eyes yet and won't drink from their momma so I gotta feed them seperately."

We sat down on the couch and Jihyo handed me a puppy.

I gladly took it and took a mini bottle to feed it.

We both took nursing courses for animals together so I knew the proper way to do it.

"How long until the owner gets back?"

"Her son's supposed to come over today at around three so I'll be able to leave early today, but I got assigned this place for the rest of the week to make sure the puppies get fed well and nothing else bad happens."

The puppyin my hand was carefully drinking the milk, it's eyes were barely opened yet.

"This one's adorable~ Is the owner gonna keep all of them?"

"I don't know yet, but since she has a full time job and her son is just now getting out of college for summer, who knows."

I nodded and carefully placed the puppy down on my lap.

It waddled closer to my stomach and plopped down.

"Do they have names?"

"Not yet, but I can already think of some adorable names for them~!"

I giggled and watched as the puppy fell asleep in my lap.

After a couple hours of listening to BTS and playing with some of the puppies, I looked at the time.

"Oh I should he heading over to bighit."

"Are you gonna go to see Joon?" She grinned at me and I shyly smiled.

"Yes and I also work there now~"

She stuttered on her words and looked at me in shock.

"You got a job there?!"

I nodded with a grin.

"Namjoon saw some of my photos and told Bang PD so they hired me in the photography and film section so I'll have the chance to record Bangtan Bombs and possibly help out for photoshoots~"

"That's amazing Haneun!"

I grinned and stood up.

"I should get going now but I'll call you later!"


After a short ride to bighit, I walked in and was greeted by the front desk lady.

"Hello Haneun! It's nice to see you again."

"Hello!" I bowed towards the woman before walking down the familiar hallway.

Once I got to a certain room, I saw some other employees eating snacks and chatting.

I walked inside and immedietly saw Sana.

Just as she turned around she spotted me and walked over.

bonded by chance | knj ✔Where stories live. Discover now