(Your Country) × Reader "His Arrival"

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(If u live in North Korea... then.. I dunno anymore..)

you can either use your Country or just choose a different country.. I dunno.. idc . But I'm sticking it with your Country..

also.. Ncov has nothing to do with this story...

also.. this is really confusing..

​(C/N) = Country Name

(F/N) = Female!Friend's Name

3rd person's POV

(Y/N) have only one trusty friend named (F/N) who has more friends than her. One of them is (C/N) which is (Y/N)'s country, (F/N) thought that they would be a perfect couple since they almost have the same personalities.

when (C/N) told (F/N) the type of girl he likes, it was almost like he was describing (Y/N)..

Since (C/N) is living in a different continent (Y/N) never had a chance to meet him personally, but (F/N) didn't stop from there.

when (F/N) first introduced (C/N) to (Y/N) in her phone, She was started to get a little interested in him, When (F/N) first introduced (Y/N) to (C/N) in her phone also, He felt the same way.

One day, (Y/N) got a Friend request from (C/N), She's like 'Why not?' He is her country after all and (F/N)'s friend. She accepted and they started talking, eventually they become online friends, They chat, they Voice call, and even video chat.

It's been months now, and they never miss a time to text each other.

(Now.. onto da story:)

(Y/N) and (F/N) are having a little dinner in a food court and they are talking about stuff..

"So! (N/N), how's your talk with (C/N)?" (F/N) asked, Yes she knew about this a long time ago.

"he's a very nice guy! Well.. kinda shy but I kinda find it cute..!"

"I can sense a ship comin' already.."

"...Shut up" (Y/N) started to blush a bit.

"You like him don't you?~" (F/N) teased.

"...No.. (in your language)" (Y/N) muttered.

"Why u always lyin' 🎶" (F/N) jokingly sang.

"Seriously, I don't.." She lied.

"Sucka u blushin', Look I'm ur sissy and you can tell me anything! I'm really good at keeping secrets ya know?" (F/N) said, resting her head on her hands.

"bish I ain't telling you sh*t."

"Alright.. guess I'll have to tell (C/N) to stop talking to you-"

"NO, NO! I mean- Ok Fine! I do like him! Just please don't tell him-"

(Y/N) was interrupted by (F/N), She stood up didn't even care about the people who looks at her.

"I KNEW IT! I F**KING KNEW IT! YOU LIKE HIM! *Fangirl Screeches*-" (Y/N) regretted saying that knowing that her friend lied about keeping secrets.

She tried to shush her and looked around the food court seeing almost everyone looking up at (F/N) with an surprised expression and some even annoyed. (Y/N) is of course embarrassed and tried to calm her down.

(F/N) went back into reality, and realized that she embarrassed herself in front of many people, She apologized and sat back down.

"Are you out of your mind?!" (Y/N) angrily whispered to her.

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