Australia × Reader "Struggles and Snuggles"

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(I have to admit... I don't like how I drew Australia... I just turn him into a cute guy... Into uhh .... This...)

I don't really have much cuddles and snuggles in this book... So hErE, have a fLuFf.

Coxochanel24 don't worry, your request is still ongoing.

​​​​​​​(Also, thank you so much for 58k reads! Always remember that you are loved!)


Your POV

'Juan knelt down beside the unconscious body of Anna...
He gripped her hand and shouted...



Creative, but no-

I angrily erased Juan's script and threw the pencil to the side and laid my head on the notebook and groan.

I'm already at page 4 but I'm still half finished! And my readers are expecting a new chapter tomorrow...!!' I thought to myself, gripping my hair.

"Babe? Are you ok?" A sweet voice asked with a familiar austrailain accent, I looked over my shoulder to meet Australia standing by the door with a concerning face, his pet snake is hanging around his shoulders.

"Yeah... I'm just... Tired." I sighed, leaning on the chair.

"Still not finished with your story?" Australia asked, petting his snake.

"No... I'm only half done, and my readers are getting impatient for the new chapteeeer.." I whined, hitting my head on the table repeatedly, I then felt a hand slide under my forehead while I just continue banging my head on the blue hand.

"Babe... Stop that, you're hurting yourself..." Austraila said, I slow down my banging and rest my head on his blue hand, I turn my head to face him and sighed.

"What am I gonna do? I can't finish this on time, And my hands are getting sore..." I complained, leaning away from Australia's hand and started massaging my 'very' sore hand.

"....(Y/n)... Your readers can wait, you need some rest..." Australia said, with a reassuring face, putting his hands on my shoulder.


"No, I don't wanna hear it, Now let go of the pencil and relax" Australia interrupted, suddenly sliding a hand under my waist and his other hand on my shoulders and started carrying me out of the room.

"Wha- I can walk, you know?" I pointed out.

"I know." Australia simply said, continuing to carry me downstairs.

I sighed and crossed my arms, letting the Australian country carry me somewhere, he then sat on the couch and put me down on his lap and hugged me.

"Aussie... What are you doing..?" I hesitantly asked.

"You're so busy with your story that you didn't have the time to cuddle with me... And I miss it..." Australia answered, suddenly laying me down on the couch...

Now our position is... Me and Australia laying on the couch, And his arms around my waist.


But his SnAkE.
HiS sNaKe iS cRaWLiNg ToWaRdS mEeE.

"Oh hey Stewart! Ya wanna cuddle with Mommy (Y/n) too?" Australia patted the snake who is crawling on my stomach, while I'm just dying inside.

"HoLy- AUSSIE! YOUR FREKING SNAKE! GET IT OFF MEE!" I wheezed, staying in place, scared If I move an inch this sucka will bite me.

"Aw... Don't worry (Y/n)! Stewart likes you!" Australia cheered, resting an elbow on the couch, as he placed his pet 'Stewart' around his shoulder.

I sat up and Australia did the same and hold the reptile's... Uhm... Neck...?

"Look!" Australia said, showing me the snake's disturbing face, I cringed away at it but it just moved itself closer and... LiCkEd Ma ChEeK.

"See? He likes you!" Australia said again, and to my satisfaction he put the reptile down on the floor and started leaving us alone, OH ThAnK God...

"Aussie, What is up with you owning snakes AND spiders? And not to mention... You own a freaking Lion!" I complained, Australia pouted.

"Ya know, you need to learn how to accept creatures sometimes, they have a life too ya know?" Australia said.

"But enough about animals, Hug time..." Australia said straightforwardly, opening his arms, I chuckled and hugged him, and he eventually hugged me back.

"Ok... I'll try to accept your insects and... Dangerous animals, But like you said... Let me rest."

3rd Person's POV

"Okay..." Australia muttered, as they both got back to their position earlier.

"...But, what am I gonna do with the story..? I ran out of ideas, and my readers are getting impatient..." (Y/n) muffled on Australia's chest.

"I can help you with your story... Ok?" Australia reassured and kissed (Y/n)'s head, rubbing her shoulders.

"And your readers can wait, I'm sure they'll understand..." Australia added.

"I hope..." (Y/n) mumbled, moving herself around Australia's arms, facing the ceiling.

"Did I make the right decision of becoming an author...?" (Y/n) asked, her brows are slanting, Australia sighed and muttered:

"I know it's hard... But don't worry, I can help you with your stories from now on..."

"Ok, thanks Aussie." (Y/n) thanked, patting Australia's head, making him giggle.

"...I love your pats (Y/n)..." Australia mumbled, kissing (Y/n)'s neck.

"Oh- Aussie stop that, it tickles-"

He just keeps kissing your neck.

"HoLy- Aussie stop that!" (Y/n) laughed, Making Australia snicker and placed a last kiss then leans away, resting an elbow on the couch and his other hand is around (Y/n)'s waist.

"Stop being cute then! Jeez.." Australia said, laughing.

"Uno reverse card, bish" (Y/n) teased.

"Hahaha-" Australia paused, and realized what (Y/n) said, his face formed a pinkish red.


He pecked your lips and your eyes widen at Australia's sudden gesture.

"No you."


Ye... Not enough fluff...
And it's short as he-

But accept Australia's love for u...

Please accept mine too-

Hope u enjoyed this requested one shot, but if you didn't I understand-
And see u in the next story, ba-bye 👋✨💕

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