Chapter 12: Son-in-law for dad

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"A boy speaks, a gentleman acts."- unknown

Arabella POV

I arrived home and headed directly to my room. I placed my bag on the sofa and took off my office wear that clutched onto my body since morning. I filled the bathtub with warm water and dropped some essential oil. Before I soak myself in the water, I turned on the music on the speaker. I want to have a relaxing bath before off to sleep and rest my mind from the incident this morning.

I dialed Jessica's number and connected my Bluetooth earphone and stepped into the bathtub after making sure that the temperature is not too hot. After a moment, I heard a voice on the line.

"Hello, babe." She screamed on the line.

"You almost broke my ears, babe," I jokingly scolded her and laughed at the same time.

"I wait for your call for too long," she exclaimed.

"Sorry, babe. I finished my work late today and now calling you while I soak myself in the water." I played with the bubble that I added earlier while talking to her.

"So tell me. Did you tell him?" I closed my eyes and leaned towards the tub. The smell of the essential oil doing its magic by turning my body into a relaxing mode.

"Like I told you this morning, Jess. It was a mess. I never expected paparazzi to be there and he even told them that I'm his future wife." The incident plays on my head.

"Aww, what a romantic guy," she acted like a fangirl over the phone. I rolled my eyes at her words even though I knew she can't see me.

"That is not romantic, Jess. That is being too persistent and arrogant." I scowled, imagine he was in front of me right now. I heard her giggled.

"But I don't think you have another choice. I mean your dad. You promised him, remember?" Her words make me blew out a heavy breath. That is the truth.


"Dad, I don't want to know more about him and not even to be a friend," I pleaded, tried to reject dad's will.

"But you promised. Don't you remember?" Dad said with his sad voice tried to persuade me. Argh, he knew the soft part of me. I never broke my promise to them.

"Yes, dad but can we negotiate on this?"

"Ara, he is a good guy. I know him since he was a kid plus he is from a good family. So, I know I can entrust you to him. I really hope you try to befriend him and get to know him more. I don't know about your bad impression of him but definitely, there must be something wrong. You shouldn't judge him from your first impression." Now I lost my words. I don't know what to say anymore to convince dad.

"Ara..babe..did you hear me?" Her voice brought me back to reality. I totally forget that Jess was still on the line.

"Sorry, babe. A bit tired today," I fibbed, lazy to explain myself.

"It's ok. Take rest for now. Update me on the progress with him," she chuckled.

"Ah, whatever. Off, babe."


We ended the call and I closed my eyes enjoy the warm water on my body. The phone rang and I sighed as I guess Jess called again probably just to tease me.

"Babe..." I whined. I answered the call with my eyes closed and without any greeting.

"Wow, I am pleased you start to call me babe." A guy's voice. Now I'm fully awake by the voice. I heard him laughed softly.

"You! Mr. Persistent," I totally recognized the owner of the voice. The guy that kept pestering me with his white roses, surprises, and sudden proposal. He turned my life upside down. Maybe in a good way, my inner voice interrupted.

" can even recognize my voice," he said on the other line. I could imagine the annoying smile on his face.

"Yeah, because you sound annoying," I mocked.

"How do you even get my number?"

"I always have my way."

"What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

"What if I don't want to give you what you want?" I challenged him.

"Sweetheart, let me make this clear. You only have two choices now. One, you let your dad know about that bastard so your dad can do something to protect you," he paused giving me time to digest his words. "And two, be mine and I will keep you safe from him, from anything," he continued.

I kept silent for a moment as his words gave some strange effect, especially the last part, 'keep you safe from him, from anything'. Except for my dad, there is no guy that declares bluntly to protect me like him. He somehow convinced me that I can trust him.

"Sweetheart, are you listening?" His sweet voice made me bite my lips. If only he can see me now, I'm sure he will say to me 'don't bite your lips'. I smiled at that thought.

"I'm not sweet. I'm bitter," I responded and tried to calm myself from all the weird thoughts. I heard him chuckled at my answer.

"Anyway, back to our topic. So?"

"I don't know. I just need some time to think about it."

"Ok, I give you some time," I smiled. I never thought it will be easy to buy some time from him.

"You have 5 seconds." This time my smile immediately dropped.

"Five, four, three, two, one, and time's up." He counted the time without waiting for my answer.

"Dominic Duncan!" I'm pissed.

"I like how my name rolled on your tongue," and he laughed.

"Oh my God, I wish I can kill you now." I could imagine his happy face and it made me annoyed more.

"You definitely won't do that, sweetheart. You will miss me."

"I'm off now. I better sleep than waste my time with you," I hissed angrily.

"Someone is really bitter now." He teased.

"Bye," I wanted to cut off the line but he stopped me.

"Wait, wait. You didn't tell me your decision yet."

"You told me this morning, whatever my answer you will take it as a yes," I said nonchalantly.

"So, it means yes?" I can hear the excitement from his voice but I ignored it.

"Like I have other choices," I muttered.

"Yess..Yesss..finally!" He and his own world.

"I will dream of you tonight, sweetheart." He said making me shiver. This guy is too straightforward. Yes, I admit that most of the time he made me felt annoyed but sometimes he caught me with his charm. His actions, his words, and his confessions might I add.

"Well, I won't. You are my nightmare," I said, provoking him.

"I can turn it into a sweet dream for you, sweetheart. Well, it is late now. Time to sleep. Good night and see you soon."

"Soon," I pressed on the word and I hope his 'soon' is not going to be the next morning.

"Yes, very soon."



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