Chapter 23: The jealousy

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"I'm a mess with a heartbeat."- unknown

Dominic POV

I stood in front of the door and wait for my lovely wife back from work. Normally at this time she already arrived home. My mind not really in a good shape today. There is something that I need to ask her and hopefully, her answer will make me at peace.

I turned my head to the parking spot when I heard the car nearby. A moment later, I saw her coming out of the car with her handbag and black heel. She turned to look at me and I can see her curious face.

"Why are you standing here?" That is her first question to me. I smile at her.

"Waiting for Mrs. Duncan," I answered with a smile.

"You don't have to do that," she said and entered the house.

"Yeah, I know but I just want to do it. I need to ask you something," I said, making her turned to me and she raised her eyebrows gesturing for me to continue.

"Where have you been this afternoon?"

"Lunch with a friend," she said without hesitation.

"Just a friend?"

"Yes, just a friend."

"A guy?"

"Yeah, a guy."

"Just two of you?"

"Yes, just two of us."

"What-" I want to continue asking but she raised her hand as a stop sign.

"Why do you ask so many questions? And why are you so interested in my lunch today? Do I need to report to you every time I went out for lunch?" She wasn't happy with my questions. Likewise!

"Just want to know," I said with a hurt feeling but it was unnoticeable.

"Anything that you want to tell me?" I gave her a chance to be honest with me.

She sighed, "No, nothing. I will go for a shower first," she said and left me alone in the living room. I didn't stop her or tease her like I normally did. I'm just not in the mood.

Arabella POV

I placed my handbag on the nightstand and took off my dress. After removing my light makeup that I applied to work this morning, I went straight to the bathtub. As always, aunt Monica, the maid of the house prepared it for me. She knew that I love to spend my time after work in the bathtub. This is one of the ways for me to wash away all the tiredness and stress from work.

I dialed Jessica's number and turn the loudspeaker. As promised, she wants some updates about my lunch date with Matt earlier. I closed my eyes while waiting for the line to be connected.

"Finally, you called," she said with her energetic voice.

"And hello to you too, babe," I said sarcastically. I heard her giggled on the phone.

"Just too excited about your story. So now, spill the bean. What happens? Did he hurt you? What he wants from you?"

"God, Jess. You never stop with your bullet questions."

"He apologized," I started but she screamed.

"Hell, no. You said that bastard apologized to you?!"

"Yes, he did, and please don't call him a bastard. He has a name, Jess. He regrets the past. He realized that the drug controlled his life and made his life turned upside down. Now, he still under treatment but currently free from drugs for a few months," I explained without missing any point.

"That is the last thing that I expect to happen. What happens to him? I mean why he suddenly thought of you and bother to apologize?"

"He has been caught by police last two months and I guess he starts to repent and stay away from the drug since that day."

"Well, I hope he will really be a better person. What else did he say to you? Anything about feeling or something like he wants you back?" I chuckled at her questions.

"So, this is your main question right?" I said more to a statement.

"Oops, I got caught," she laughed.

"Not sure this will be good news or bad news to you but nothing like that. He just said that he felt happy that I found a good husband."

Of course, that is good news, babe. You have your charming husband now. Oh ya, did you tell him about your lunch with Matt?" Her question makes me recalled our conversation earlier.

"No, I don't think that is necessary. I just went for lunch with a friend and why I need to report my activity to him. Besides, I don't want him to become paranoid with Matt," I said without telling her the conversation that we had earlier.

"Ok, if you prefer that way."

"Babe, I gotta go. Dinner is waiting for me," I said looking at the time. I don't want Dominic to wait for a long time. He and his waiting habit. He won't eat until I sit beside him. So clingy.

"Ok, see ya. Bye," she said dropped the line.

I clean myself with the water and change into a black nightdress with a robe. I wrapped my wet hair with the towel and walked down to the dining room. I thought he is waiting for me with food ready to serve on the table but I was wrong. Now I understand what it means don't take anything for granted. It hurts!

I looked around and walked to the kitchen tried to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. I saw Aunt Monica in the kitchen.

"Hi, aunt," I greeted her with politeness. She sends me a warm smile. She is like a mom figure in this house and we treated her like our own family.

"Hi, pretty. How is your work today?" She asked casually.

"Just like usual, aunt. A little bit of stress but still manageable," I said with a smile and she patted my shoulder.

"Oh, aunt. Have you seen Dominic? He is not at the dining table."

"Oh, he asked me to tell you that he will eat out with a friend tonight and he will be late. But As his command, I need to make sure you finish your dinner," she said and walk me out of the kitchen.

"Here, take a seat and enjoy your dinner," she pulled the chair for me and served me the food.

"So I will be eating alone tonight," I mumbled. Suddenly loneliness hit me. Pretty bad! This will be the first time I eat alone after four months of our marriage and I feel disappointed that he didn't tell me he will be dining out. Not even a single text.


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