Chapter 13: Morning kiss

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"I like her more every minute I spend with her."-unknown

Arabella POV

I wore a pair of dark blue blouse and a high waist black pencil skirt that stopped above my knee. I paired it with my two inches black high heel. I applied medium makeup to match it with my outfit. I untied my messy bun and let my brown hair curled naturally. It reached my bra line perfectly. I spray a minimum amount of perfume before looks at myself in the mirror for the last time. I smiled at my own reflection satisfied with my appearance for today.

I heard the ringtone of my phone before I manage to leave the house. Who is calling this early? I looked at the name that appeared on the screen and smiled at that. "Morning dad," I greeted the caller.

"Good morning, honey. How are you today?" I can hear a happy voice on the other line.

"Super-duper good, dad," I exclaimed with a big smile.

"Good to hear that. Is it because of Dom you are in a super-duper good mood?" His name suddenly made my smile dropped.

"Dad," I rolled my eyes. He just spoiled my mood by mentioning the name.

"Afraid not, dad. He is not related to me and my super-duper good mood," I said sarcastically.

"Soon," I heard dad chuckled.

"I heard about the good news. You finally said yes. I'm so happy, Ara. You made my day," dad said with his happy voice.

"How do you know, dad? I just agreed to him last night and I can't recall that I told you about his," I asked, confused with the situation.

"Oh, honey. You just don't have idea how close we are. My son-in-law," he chuckled.

"Oh, not yet. I mean soon-to-be son-in-law," he corrected with laughter. I shook my head in disbelief.

"So, he told you about this?" I just can't believe he told my dad before I talk to them about this myself.

"Yeah and he also told me that today you guys will go for the dress fitting." His words caused a gasp to escape my mouth.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"No, not that fast. He didn't tell me anything about this." He should talk to me first before making any plans.

"Maybe he just wants to give you a surprise," dad said, backing his soon-to-be son-in-law. Sound so annoying and soon I think he can't even remember his own daughter anymore.

"Okay, dad. I need to leave for the office now. I will talk to you again this weekend," I said noticing that it is the time for work.

"Sure, honey. See you this weekend."

"See you, dad. Bye."

We ended the called and I searched for my so-called Mr. Persistent number in my contact list. While waiting for him on the line, I took out the key and opened the door headed to the parking lot.

"Hello sweetheart, good morning."

"Not a very good morning and don't call me sweetheart," I scowled.

"Woah, so feisty. I love this," I heard he chuckled.

"Who made you so pissed off?" He continued.

"Who else can make me angry other than you," I said standing at the side of my car.

"I never knew I have this much impact on you." He responded jokingly.

"Arghh, you know what. I hate you so much," I said gritted my teeth and he just laughed at my comment.

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