Chapter 22: The ex-lover

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"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you.'

Arabella POV

It has been four months since I carried the title of the wife as Mrs. Duncan. Nothing changed between us, we still sleep in our own bed, eating together, spending weekends together, and he like always never tired of teasing me. I guess that became part of his routine and I'm kinda getting used to his playful characteristic. Strange but I admit that most of the time he makes me feel comfortable and secure. Probably because I know that he won't do anything harmful to me.

The phone ringtone caught my attention and I slid to the green arrow to answer the call.

"Hey, babe."

"Babe, are you sure you want to meet him? Don't you scare that he will do anything bad to you? What if he slaps you, punches you, kicks you, or kidnaps you?!" She said with a high pitch tone on the line. I can sense her worries. Well, that's my bestie.

"Jess, calm down please," I begged while my eyes still focus on the road.

"How can you expect me to calm down when you agree to meet that beast," she said in an angry tone. I knew she wasn't angry at me.

"It's ok, babe. I will meet him at the cafe. That is a public place and during day time I believe he won't dare to do anything harmful to me. Trust me, okay? I just need to let this end," I said tried to convince her.

"Did Dominic know about this? Did you tell him?"

"No, I don't think I should tell him. I don't want him to get involve and it's not a big deal anyway. We just need to clear some unsettle issues between us."

"Yeah, I know but better to let him know in case anything happens to you."

"I will be fine. I promise. I will text you when everything is done."

"Ok, if you insist. Do take care of yourself."

"Talk to you later. Bye, babe." I ended the call and silently battle with myself if I should let Dom know about this meeting. At last, I decided not to disturb him during his working time and I didn't inform him about this.

I parked the car at the parking lot and walked to the cafe that he mentioned earlier. I looked around tried to spot the guy that wanted to meet me here and I stepped forward when I saw the familiar figure sitting next to the table at the corner wearing his black suit.

"Hi," I called him to get his attention. He turned his head to me and sends me a smile.

"Hi, Ara," he greeted back and I take a sit in front of him.

"Let's order something to eat first," he said and called the waiter for the order. I just nodded and we order something for our lunch.

"So, how are you?" He asked looking at me curiously.

"As you can see, well," I answered honestly which he nodded in return.

"So, why do you want to meet me here?" I asked straight to the point.

"I want to say sorry. I know I was a jerk before. I hurt you and made you in pain. I'm really sorry for everything that I have done to you before," he apologized and I can sense his sincerity.

"Why so sudden?"

He sighed before answering me. "I have been caught by police a few months ago. You know, because of the drug. My addiction getting worst from day to day and I just can't live a moment without it. It made my life turned upside down including my career. Now, I'm still under treatment but it is getting better and I'm back to my work and free from drugs," he explained clearly which I nodded. This explained why he didn't bother me for the past few months.

"It makes me realized how stupid I was for losing you and I don't deserve you. I'm glad that you are married to someone better than me. I am nothing to compare to him," he said in a sad tone and looked away.

"Matt," I called his name which makes him looked at me. "It was the drug that turned you to be like that and I'm glad now you are under treatment to make yourself free from the drug. We are not meant to be together and believe me you will find someone good to be with you. It's just a matter of time," I patted his hand to encourage him.

We talked casually as a friend while having lunch. I can't believe that I spend my one-hour lunch break meeting with my ex-boyfriend that used to abuse me. I am glad that he repents and willing to change for a better life. Finally, I reached the last page of the bad chapter in my life.


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