The Stray

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Y/N wakes up roaring, claws out, and heavy sweating. He retracts his claws and breathes heavily.

"Ugh.." said Y/N, walking to the bathroom.

"Goddamn nightmare," said Y/N as he washes his face.

"Y/N?" A female voice called.

"Who's calling?" Asked Y/N.

"It's Blake,"

"Yeah.. what is it?" Said Y/N as he puts his hands on the faucet.

"Is everything okay? I heard you yelling again,"

"I'm fine. Shouldn't you be in class?" Asked Y/N, wiping his face with a cloth.

"I'm not feeling it today," said Blake, sitting at Y/N's bed.

"Why? What's wrong?" Asked Y/N.

"N-Nothing, I just.. nevermind," said Blake getting up and going for the door.

"Hey Blake, you know you can talk to me," said Y/N.

"I know," said Blake, closing the door.

"We were going out for a walk in Vale, you wanna come?" Asked Blake, opening the door slightly.

"Sure, when?"

"After school, I'll tell the others," said Blake.

"Alright, see ya," said Y/N, waving a little.

"I need more sleep,"


Team RWBY and Y/N were walking down the streets of Vale, a sign was just put up, saying "Welcome to Vale!" to all the other people that were visiting.

"The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!"

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out.." said Ruby.

"How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultured of the world! There will be dances! Parades! Tournaments! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"

"You really know how to make a good thing sound boring," said Yang.

"Quiet you!" Said Weiss.

"Remind me again why we're spending our friday afternoon looking at the fucking docks," said Y/N.

"Ugh, they smell like fish.." said Ruby, pinching her nose.

"I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today,"

"So?" Asked Y/N.

"As a representative of Beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom,"

"She wants to spy on them so she has the upper hand in the tournament," said Blake, earning a chuckle from Y/N.

"Ah! You can't prove that!" Said Weiss.

"Woaah!" Said Ruby, looking at a previously robbed store. The group walked to the store.

"What happened here?" Asked Ruby.

"Robbery, second dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a Jungle," said the Detective, as he walks away.

"Ugh, that's terrible," exclaimed Yang.

"They left all the money again," said the Detective.

"Yeah, it doesn't make a lick of sense, who needs that much dust?" Exclaimed the Detective.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now