New Life, New Problems

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Our new episode opens with a shot of Beacon, it had become grey in colour and lifeless.

Y/N was walking around, gathering Grimm pelts. He had a basket with him. He slaughtered an Ursa and skinned it.

He walked around and smelled the air.

Y/N: (sniffing the air) No more? Guess I'll have to wait for them to spawn again. (Turns around to go back to his cave)

As he approaches the cave, Pyrrha can be seen looking in the distance, looking towards Vale. Clutching her arm, she took a deep breath.

Y/N: (puts a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder, startling her) Hey, you okay?

Pyrrha: (puts on a fake smile) I'm fine!

Y/N: You're lying. (takes off his hand from her shoulder) Tell me what's wrong.

Pyrrha: (sighs deeply) It's just.. (looks back at Y/N) How can you live a life like this?

Y/N: (scoffs) Pyrrha, it's only been a week.

Pyrrha: I know that. It's just that.. You have no one, a-and now.. (points to herself) I have no one.

Y/N: Look, we'll figure out a way to get you back home.

Pyrrha: I guess.. (looks back at Vale) How can you... What do you feel when you kill.. someone..

Y/N turns around and goes into his cave.

There is a long silence between them. Y/N was putting down bowls on the table, he goes back to the kitchen and turns on the radio.

The radio played music, that filled the silence. The radio played "Moonlight Sonata".

As Pyrrha looks at him, she sees no more than a man; who has suffered for as long as the man could breathe.

The Orchestra perfectly suits Y/N, the Sadness between Hatred and Anger. A man who sought peace but found pain.

The torment he went through was undeniably.. cruel.

Y/N turns off the radio and leans forward against the counter. Pyrrha walks in.

Pyrrha: Look, I'm-

Y/N: Every day.

Pyrrha: (surprised) I'm sorry?

Y/N: (looks up at Pyrrha) Every day, I used to wake up. (he looks down at his hands) with the taste of blood in my mouth.

Y/N: And I'd ask myself.. what have you done? Y/N... What have you done?

Pyrrha goes around to hug him.

Y/N: What you asked..

Pyrrha: Forget it, it's just a stupid question.

Y/N: How I felt when I first I killed someone.. I felt.. rage.. I was mad at myself for whenever I ended a life.. but I always end up doing it again, and it just felt like it built up and I would feel nothing anymore..

Pyrrha: Look, I don't care if you kill, and I don't care if you don't. (Releases the hug and looks at him) All that matters is that you have a good heart.

Y/N chuckles.

Y/N: Are you Canadian?

The two shared a laugh, and went to eat.

The next week

Y/N and Pyrrha went exploring out inside Beacon. Pyrrha brought her shield and what remains of her spear.

Pyrrha: (inspects her weapon) My spear won't do much against Grimm.

Y/N: (turns around) Lady, you are Pyrrha Nikos. You can turn anything into a weapon.

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