Round One

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Our new Chapter opens with a view of the golden sun in an orange sky over the tall grass and autumn trees. In front of Summer's Gravestone is a young girl with a cloak billowing petals in the breeze. Hands clasped and hood up, Ruby Rose stands over the white stone memorial.

Ruby lowers her hood and smiles sadly downward "Hey, mom," Ruby greets. As she looks down at the inscription: "Summer Rose – Thus Kindly I Scatter"

"Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad," Ruby says as she shrugs.

"He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you," Ruby says. 'I miss you too," Ruby adds.

"Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke," Ruby says.

"She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion,

"Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, and then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers," Ruby says.

"Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow," Ruby says.

"Oh! I also got a boyfriend recently! His name's Y/N, he's this big and mysterious guy, he's kinda cool. I'm not supposed to tell anyone this but, he's the last remaining survivor from the Mutant race. Oh, he also has a daughter, her name's Laura, she's more edgier than him," Ruby says.

A bark alerts her to the ever-adorable Zwei and the sight of her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, in the trees behind her.

"Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" She puts the hood back on and starts to walk away, but turns and delivers one final message to her mother: "It was good to talk,"

With that said, Ruby jogs back to her family as a group of crows fly into the sun to make a very familiar sight.

Meanwhile at Y/N's dorm room.

"Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?" Y/N asks the dude in his room. "Woah! Woah! Chill out man, I'm supposed to be your new teammate!" The person says.

"Thanks, but I'm fine working alone," Y/N says. "C'mon, everybody needs a little help from time to time right?" The person asks. Y/N ignores him and he sits down to a seat near the window to drink whiskey.

"Hey, aren't you too young for that?" The person asks. "No, I'm not," Y/N says sternly. "Jeez, you're a fun one," the person says, sarcastically.

"So, you've never given me your name," the person says. "Y/N," Y/N said. "Just Y/N? No family name or something?" The person asks. "Yeah," Y/N tapped on his battle.

"Well, introduciiiiiinnnnnggg..." the person says before he steps on a stage and a light was shone upon him. "Wade! Wilson!" Wade says as he puts on a hat and dances around.

"Where'd you-" Y/N was interrupted. "We're gonna be best pals, pal!" Wade says as he pulls Y/N in to dance with him. "Hey, Hey!" Y/N yells as he pushes Wade off of him.

"Hey! We were having a moment!" Wade says. "You're crazy," Y/N says as he points a finger at him. "Indeed I am," Wade bows. "You're sleeping on the floor," Y/N says as he points at the spot where he'll be sleeping on.

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