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"And that's the match!" Said Professor Goodwitch as she walks towards Pyrrha.

Pyrrha had just finished her match with Team CRDL. "Lucky shot," said Cardin as he holds his stomach and falls to the ground.

"Well done, Ms. Nikos, You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament," said Glynda. "Thank you, Professor," said Pyrrha.

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers?" Glynda asks. "Miss Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes, why don't you-" Glynda was interrupted by a boy. "I'll do it," said Mercury as he raises his hand up.

"Mercury, is it?" Glynda asks as she leans her glasses to see clearer. "Very well, let's find you an opponent," Glynda looks at her tablet. "Actually, I wanna fight her," said Mercury as he points at Pyrrha.

"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished a match, I recommend you choose another partner," said Goodwitch. "Uh.. I'm going to fight.. him," said Mercury, pointing at Y/N. The class started to whisper at each other, presumably talking about Y/N.

"Well, since Y/N has never fought before, maybe this is a chance for him to open up," said Glynda. As Y/N walk down to the battle stage, Mercury did too but he kept his eyes on Y/N and smirking along the way. Y/N sees this and scoffs.

Glynda stops Y/N by grabbing his arm. "Mr. Y/N, I suggest you go easy on him," said Goodwitch. "I'll try not to kill the kid," said Y/N.

A few minutes later, Mercury walks in and circles around the mini-arena. Glynda brought up Y/N's and Mercury's aura on the giant screen. When Y/N's aura was on the screen, all that was seen was grey, which means Y/N has no aura.

"That's odd," said Glynda as she inspects the screen. "Let the match begin," said Glynda.

"Let's see how tough you really are," said Mercury as he rushes at Y/N. Y/N stood his position.

Mercury jumps up and shoots at Y/N with his foot-guns. Y/N staggered for a bit before showing Mercury his bullet wounds healing. The class was shocked, as they have never seen Y/N in combat before.

"Woah," said Mercury as he looks at Y/N's face. Y/N's face was filled with pure hatred and anger.

"This is a new jacket," said Y/N as he marches at Mercury. Mercury kicks his leg forward shooting more bullets at Y/N, Y/N's chest was knocked a little because of the recoil, but he kept on marching to him.

Mercury dropkicks Y/N, but the only one who fell down was Mercury, Y/N still stood. Y/N picks Mercury from his collar and held him above his feet.

Y/N slams Mercury to the ground, and tries to curb-stomp him, but Mercury rolls to the side. Mercury shoots Y/N's side.

Y/N contains his claws from coming out. Y/N runs at Mercury with great speed.

Mercury runs at Y/N and does 5 kicks in the air, shooting 5 buckshots at him. Y/N staggered backwards and Mercury uses this continue shooting at him.

"Is he gonna die!?" A student whisper-shouted. Y/N catches Mercury's leg and pulls a side-hip takedown on him. Y/N holds Mercury in this grounded position as he slowly bended Mercury's leg.

"Let's hear it crack," said Y/N as he continues to slowly bend Mercury's in an unnatural position. Mercury kicks Y/N's stomach, the buckshot going through him. It was no use.

"I forf-!" Mercury tried to say he fortfeit, but Y/N slammed Mercury's head onto the stage floor, knocking Mercury into red and causing the ground to crack.

"That's the match, well done Mr. Y/N, you will be a tough opponent for the other students to fight in the tournament," said Glynda, she leans closer. "Thank you for not using your claws on him," Glynda whispered. "Yeah yeah," said Y/N as he lightly kicks Mercury's side.

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