The Wolverine

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Y/N, just finished shaving his beard; puts on his jacket and grabs a cigar from his bag. The door opens in his room. Y/N looks at the door and sees Ruby.

Y/N: Oh, Ruby. What do you want?

Ruby: I just wanted to say good luck!

Y/N: You should know by now that I don't need luck. (chuckles) I'm out of Beacon aren't I?

Ruby: O-Oh, yeah.. about that..

Ruby sits on his bed, she puts her collapsed Crescent Rose onto the bed.

Ruby: I'm sorry for what they did to y-

Y/N: There's no need for that, Ruby. You couldn't have changed it either way.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow told me that you brought me down from the tower. T-Thanks for that.

Y/N: (chuckles) You're welcome, Ruby.

Ruby stares at Y/N, Y/N looks at her with a confused look. She snaps out of it.

Ruby: I-I should get going.. (nervous laugh)

Y/N: Yeah, I'll be with you soon.

Ruby nods and goes out of his room. Y/N looks at the window and stares at the shattered moon.

The scene cuts to Y/N and the group going out of the house. The group waits for Qrow to lock the door.

Qrow: (Okay. (turns to the group) Let's go.

Weiss: Why are we bringing our weapons?

Qrow: We don't know if this is a set up or not. It's best if we keep our guards up.

The group continues to walk down the night street. It was silent, and dark. The only thing lighting the area is a lonely dim street lamp.

Y/N: No wonder people don't go outside at night, this is depressing.

Nora: Definitely.

Pyrrha: I still think it has a pretty nice view.

It was silent again.

Pyrrha: Alright, I admit.. It is quite depressing.

The group except for Y/N, and Qrow snickered.

After a while, the group arrives at Haven Academy.

The full moon illuminates the night sky above Haven Academy. On the school grounds, Qrow Branwen takes the lead as the qroup follow close behind.

Ruby Rose stops and looks up to admire Haven's CCT tower, before Y/N grabs her shoulder and gets her to move again, she follows the rest of the group to a nearby building. They enter the building and are greeted by Leonardo Lionheart, who is standing on a terrace at the top of the stairs that is being held up by a statue.

Lionheart: Why hello. Thank you for... coming. (nervously) There... seems to be more of you than last time. (nervous chuckle)

Qrow and the rest of the group stop to look up at Lionheart.

Qrow: Eh, you know what they say, "The more the merrier". So what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: Why... did you bring your weapons?

Y/N: What? Leo, was it? They're Huntsmen. You okay?

Lionheart: Of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.

Qrow: Look, it's nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?

While the two talk, Yang Xiao Long notices from the corner of her eye a black bird perched on a balcony railing.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now