Part 5

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There was still an hour left for the arms of the clock to rest on 5 p.m., Arnav sighed causing Aman to look at him. He gestured with his eyes to ask if there was any issue with the presentation. Arnav waved him off and tried to focus his attention on the meeting. But he couldn't help wonder what was the reason of Khushi's urgency. He had gone over the conversation a hundred times since last night but couldn't make any sense of it. He allowed his mind to replay it one more time hoping he could crack it now.


"Hello, Arnav?", a sweet voice came through.

"Yes, this is Arnav Singh Raizada. Who's this?", he motioned his family to enter the house while moving towards the garden.

"It's me Khushi."

So, he was right.

"Kumari Gupta?"

How many Khushi did he know!

"Yes, the one and only Khushi Kumari Gupta. Listen I need to meet you urgently.", the urgency was visible in her voice.


"It's really urgent. I'm flying to Delhi tonight. So, can you tell me what time you will be back?"

"I'm already in Delhi."

"Great so 7 a.m.?

"I think you've mistaken me for a teenager. I'm sorry to break your bubble but I'm a man. A man who has an office to run. Let me check with my assistant and I'll get back at you with a time.", he spoke calmly.

"Okay but it must be as early as possible.", she gave in.

Aman had to poke him – yes poke him – to get his attention. Thanking him with a nod, Arnav glanced at his watch. It showed 6:55 p.m. Finally, Arnav smiled.

Aman could swear he saw a hint of a smile on ASR. Shaking his head, he forced himself on what ASR was speaking. As the meeting ended, he accompanied ASR to his cabin to get his signatures on some papers. And boy was he glad he did! The sight he saw was a first in all the years he had known his boss.

There was a girl in his cabin.

A girl !!!!

And she was playing merry-go-round on ASR's chair.

He looked up at ASR waiting for him to explode. He didn't like indiscipline in his office. But he received the second shock of the day when his boss merely cleared his throat to indicate their presence. Before she could speak, ASR turned to him and asked him to send two cups of coffee and ensure no disturbances.

"Can you please get me a coke. With extra ice. Thank you!"

"Of course, ma'am. Sir.", the girl was surely polite unlike most girls ASR knew, mused Aman.


"So..?", Arnav ventured crossing his arms across his chest.He was sharply dressed in a navy-blue suit. His mind carefully noted that she looked pretty in the casual jeans and cape.

 His mind carefully noted that she looked pretty in the casual jeans and cape

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"I must begin by apologizing for the chair

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"I must begin by apologizing for the chair. It was just an impulse. I loved your hair and when I saw wheels on it, I couldn't resist.",she finished sheepishly.

"That's okay. Would you shed some light on the reason of your visit or should I give you an invitation card?", he smirked using her words from yesterday back on her.

"Very funny.", she smiled sarcastically. "I did not want to have this conversation over phone."

A staff knocked and on getting permission, efficiently placed their drinks and left.

Taking a large sip of her coke, Khushi began as they settled, "See I will get to the point. Yesterday while on my way back, I learnt that your father is a swine. It then struck me that I had judged you to be the same."

"Nothing new here. Everyone does so. You're not satisfied with judging me yesterday so you have now come to judge me some more.", he snapped. His father was not somebody he liked to talk about. And knowing well where this conversation was headed, he was in no mood to continue it. He was about to unleash his ASR avatar on Khushi when she spoke.

"You're doing the same mistake that I made yesterday. Do not judge someone by a few sentences. And before I finish what I've come to say,I'm not leaving. And neither are you. So I suggest you unclench your teeth before they break. You're a good-looking man Arnav. I would hate to see you toothless.", she leaned back confidently.

Taking his nod as a yes, she continued, "As soon as I got back, Googled you. There were two possibilities – either you were a playboy or not. Google showed that you were never seen with a girl in public. Most of the images were with cars. Just to be doubly sure, I read bits in articles where you were questioned about girls. After my research, I surmised that you were a nice fellow. So here I am – apologizing for my wrong words. Will you forgive me?"

To say that Arnav was shocked would be an understatement.He was used to being judged for his father's deeds. This was a first. No one except family and Aman had ever given him the benefit of doubt. His shock was so much that he expressed it in words.

"No one has been so understanding before. Thank you. And you don't need to apologize."

"My mom belonged to a poor family. She worked for my father. They fell in love and when my dad married her, everyone vehemently opposed– especially Badi Maa. She literally made my mother's life hell with her taunts. Being poor was not my mother's fault neither was falling in love. She has taught me to never judge anyone without knowing them personally. I don't know why I did that to you.", she finished calmly.

"Your mother sounds like a great woman. And don't mind me but your Badi Maa sounds like an evil stepmother.", commented Arnav causing her to laugh heartily.

That smile. It pierced his heart and sparked a light in the dark confines of his soul.

Getting up to leave, she extended her hand, "It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we meet again."

"You're a different woman Khushi. Your behavior may be childish but you are mature beyond your age. It was, well, unusually pleasant knowing you.", he expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

As they shook hands, he felt a spark from where their hands were meeting. Watching her look up sharply at him, he realized she felt it too. As she was about to leave, he remembered something important.

"Where did you get my number?"

"I made my brother's PA give it to me in return for a day off.", she winked and left.

So, his Nani had given a signal after all, Arnav smiled for the Nth time that day.

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