Part 18

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"My friend at the kitty party told me that the Goenkas are interested in this alliance. Apparently Rishabh Goenka has a liking for you.", Naina said.

Naina Gupta could not have been more wrong when she mistook a quiet Khushi as a compliant Khushi. She did not see the storm that was brewing withing Khushi. So, naturally Khushi's next words shocked her.

"I am not marrying that pathetic excuse for a human.", Khushi spoke each word menacingly.

"Khushi?", Garima asked perplexed at her normally polite daughter's words

"I said I am not marrying that pathetic excuse for a human.", Khushi looked directly into her father's eyes.

"Is this the way you talk about a prospective rishta Khushi?", her Badi Maa was clearly enjoying finding a flaw in the always perfect behaviour of Khushi.

"What's the matter beta?", Shashi asked patting Khushi's hand softly.

"Rishabh Goenka tried to rape me in Nainital. If not for Arnav's timely intervention I would not have escaped.", Khushi hid her shudder.

"What?!", "Why didn't you tell me?!!" and "Is this supposed to be an excuse?" were heard simultaneously across the Gupta dining table. The people who said them were Shashi, Garima and Naina Gupta.

"Excuse me?", how could her Badi Maa even think this was an excuse.

"You are clearly making it up Khushi.", Naina said spooning some curd in her bowl.

"Bhabhi why would she lie? I trust my daughter.", the normally silent Shashi spoke angrily.

"It's your and your wife's freedom that has given her the courage to speak such words in front of her elders.", the senior Gupta spoke.

Shashi opened his mouth to say something in his daughter's defense but Khushi stopped him. They had crossed a line today and her naive parents would in no way be able to give them what they deserved. Keeping her spoon in her plate, she began speaking.

"What do you mean Badi Maa by saying that this is an excuse?"

"You did not say this before I brought up this topic.", Naina Gupta also geared up for what was obvious to be an ugly spat.

"Not everyone is like Payal, Badi Maa.", Khushi spoke with a sarcastic smile on her face.

"KHUSHI!", Naina yelled.

"I am sorry if I offended you. But as they say the truth is always bitter.", the smile intact.

"Garima teach your daughter some manners.", Bade Papa spoke.

"Khushi this is no way to speak to your elders.", Nikhil spoke up.

"I am not marrying that swine. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. Those who want to believe me will. But for your satisfaction I can ask Arnav Singh Raizada to vouch for the incident.", Khushi finished.

"I would die before believing that bastard.", Naina spat.

"BADI MAA. ENOUGH.", Khushi burst out.

"Is this how your mother has brought you up? You are screaming at an elder family member for a business rival who cheated your brother and whose own father is...", Naina's word stung where they should.

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