Rainbow Sweater

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My bag thudded on the entryway. I had to kick a tire of Vren's car that he insisted me to drive instead of Audrey's. Breathing in and out was not calming me down, so I resorted to a less rational option.

Good thing I skipped the heels today because I'd probably be wasting some hard-earned money over a petty temper. My worn-out sneakers were the last of my choices, but they turn out to be convenient. And will continue to be useful if I'm going to be around the sneaky bastard.

Said bastard is lounging on one of the couches, his arms tucked behind his head like he doesn't have a care in the world.

I gritted my teeth. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I'm here for my brother's engagement party." He sits upright. He had on a fluffy bathrobe, his hair still looked like it were styled back.

My lips pursed. "I don't know which calendar you're in right now, but your brother's engagement party is on Sunday. And last time I check, it's only Friday." Besides, Vren still has to propose to Audrey tonight. They were bringing a nanny with them to care for baby Miles and make sure everything goes smooth.

"I swore I wouldn't be late. So, I came early."

"You're a day and a half early."

"Still, early." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. This is not going to be a proper conversation.

"And, Kylie," he look me up and down, "I can tell you're on a different calendar yourself. It's not pride month."

I look down to my loose, rainbow sweater.

"Or is this why you never responded to me? I would respect it if you prefer female company. But let me just say, I would be disappointed and relieved at the same time. Disappointed that another beautiful woman is on the pile of off-limits, and also, relieved that I no longer have to wonder why I couldn't budge you."

My teeth restrained my tongue. I figured if I didn't bother to reply he would just tire of talking.

"Kylie?" He pressed on.

"Don't ruin this moment. I'm imagining you in a lake."

A grin exhibited his perfectly aligned teeth. "Do I look hot in it?"

"Yeah, which is a waste because a swarm of piranhas are eating you alive." I bat my eyelashes at him.

Christian winks. "Well, fine with me. As long as I was hot."

"You're unbelievable," I seethed and turn to the door. "And keep wondering because I'm straight."

"Kylie, let me help." He follows me outside, some locks of his hair sticking to his forehead.

I flung a menacing look his way. "I'd rather spend the entire day getting these groceries to the kitchen than have to look at you."

"You enjoyed looking at me in the hot tub." He shrug, grinning.

"Just leave me alone." I snapped. It's not a memory I'm ever going to be fond of. Christian not looking annoying is the last thing I want to remember.

There he was, a picture of a sinless Adonis, a depiction of nice and good-looking which is the greatest combination there is, because who doesn't like a guy who is good-looking and not a jerk at the same time?

However, it was its absolute best when he went showing off his signature smirk. Not because it buckled my knees into a jelly, but because it was just the revelation I needed to keep reality in check. He's attractive, all right. And it doesn't mean I'll have to kiss the ground he walks on.

I shake my head to rid myself of the thought.

He puts his hands on the pockets of his robe. "Chances are slim to none. Have you ever heard of 'no man is an island'? I'm not at fault if I seek for company because human beings are naturally drawn to one another."

"An annoying person like you have to leave alone. Whomever gets involved with you will jump out of the window the moment you open your mouth. Because for some reason, you just can't keep it shut." I reached for the bulk of toilet papers.

He stood inches behind me. "My mouth can do a lot more than talking."

I smack the toilets to his chest which made him yelp in surprise. "Here. Your mouth can stuff these toilets to itself, or so help me god, I'll sew it close."

He takes a step back, laughing.

I ignored him, filling my hands full with groceries. He towed behind me and took a few of the bags from the backseat himself. "So, Kylie, which room are you going to stay in?"

"None of your business."

"It can be. I might feel cold tonight and need someone to cuddle with."

"Have you heard of blankets?"

"Have you heard of body heat?"

"Shut up." I put the bags on the counter, leaving to get the remainder of the bags in the car.

He did the same thing. "You know, we can be roomies."

"I'd rather die outside in the cold night," I murmured in a monotone.

"Or can I knock on your door if I feel lonely?"

I handed him some of the grocery bags. I know I said I don't need his help but the sound of unpacking my bag in the silence of a bedroom of my choosing is better than my pride right now. "I'll tase you."

"Oh. You'd do that? I'm told I taste fine."

I click my tongue irritably. "I'm of little willpower away from not firing a Taser at you."

"Is that a no?" He asks, just for the fun of annoying me more.

I stomped toward the steps. "It's a no to everything." 

See you guys on the next update! Vote and comment. ❤ Your feedback feeds me. lol

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