Matthew situation

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I hadn't slept. It's not an overstatement. It's the truth. But believe or not, coffee hadn't crossed my mind. I'm awake as I can be. My nerves are buzzing from some sort of high and there's been a tingle from my lips to my toes. A fingertip embedded itself on the corner of my mouth. Realizing what I just did, I dropped my hand back to my side.

Audrey looks up from her phone when she hears me approaching. "Thank, God."

I hand her her coffee, the conclusive clack of my heels echoed in the long corridor of the hospital when I stopped in front of her. Vren and Audrey visits the triplets at least twice a week preferably during lunch times. The Lewises (Kathie's) and Parkinsons (Cade's) had been following a rotating shift of visits for crowd control. That being said, I'm pretty sure there will be a massive celebration when Kathie and Cade get to bring their babies home.

She immediately lifted the coffee to her mouth, wincing when it burned her tongue but hadn't stopped her from getting her dose of the caffeine. She hummed an approval. "Thank you. Miles kept me up last night. I need coffee more than anything."

"Is he here with you?"

Audrey nods. "He's with his daddy."

"I can call the nanny if you want."

"No. But I need her tonight." She takes another sip of her coffee, pausing briefly when her phone buzzed with a text. Her brows twitched as she read it. "Crap. I got to go. Miles is having a tantrum."


"Wait, how long do I have?" Audrey genuinely looked clueless – a first time since I worked for her. My self-reliant boss is never one to forget. At least all things work-related. Half of me is nursing sympathy for her sleep-deprivation and the other half is admiring the sudden maternal twist to the individualistic image I have of her.

"You're free until 2 PM." I smiled.

She takes another long gulp of her coffee. "Thanks, Kylie," she says before strutting briskly down the white corridor. I turn around, my thoughts going back to last night's fortuitous turn of events. More specifically, the kiss.

I walked silently, recalling every second and the tiniest detail. The way his hand pressed against my back, the smell of his perfume when he held me close, the sound of his laugh, the brush of his thumb under my chin, the way his eyes darkened to navy blue as if I was enough in my baggy sweater... and then the feel of his lips when finally – after the longest of seconds – Christian Parkinson kissed me.



A set of heels had me turning around. Ichinandra skidded happily toward me, a grin on her face. "I've been calling your name."

"Oh. Sorry. I've been," I gulped when I realized she wasn't alone. Her brothers are with her. Andrei, Matthew and...

My heart skipped a beat.


"We were just going to grab some coffee. You should come with us," she chirped.

"I, uh," I stammered, suddenly self-conscious when Christian's gaze flitted to me, "sure."

Chandra hooked her arm with mine, keeping me from changing my mind when we exited the building. "The triplets are going to be home soon. We're all excited!"

I try to keep up with the conversation. Especially when Andrei had taken my other hand hostage. Matthew and Christian trail behind.

We walked toward the coffee shop just across the street. Even then Chandra kept me knitted to her side. Not that it was a bad thing. It's just that I wasn't planning on bailing if that's what she was thinking. It was nice nevertheless. Andrei and Chandra have never let me feel left out. None of the Parkinsons did. Which is an utter surprise, because usually, people with money don't have to be nice.

I think the world owes these good people to their parents and their upbringing.

Matthew volunteered to take our orders, Christian helping him out. "And how about you, Buttercup?" He turns to me after making mental notes of his siblings' orders. "Black coffee?"

I wasn't desperate for caffeine, but a sip could make this day livelier. I was about to nod when Matthew spoke.

"Assuming you already given Audrey her coffee, how about a choice of your own?" He suggested. "Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino."

"Yes, please." My voice takes on a delighted tone.

"Aw, Matty, how did you know?" Chandra asks teasingly.

Matthew smiles. "I remembered."

"That's so sweet of you, Matthew," Andrei chimed in, awed.

Matthew is naturally friendly. I don't know how he does it, but he has imaginary halo over his head 24/7. He is the nicest person I met. Anyone could misread his niceness into something else, but I've known him – although not well on a BFF scale, but more than an acquaintance – to know it was simply in his nature.

"I found us a booth." Andrei tugs me and Chandra to a vacant table. There were four chairs on each table and since there were five of us, I understood that they had to put me on a couple's booth. But when our orders came, Andrei shooed poor Matthew to my table. Or maybe, he decided to join me. I'm grateful I didn't have to sit alone, really.

However, I was in a very good mood to have that bother me. Besides, Matthew is a good listener. He laughs to every joke however lame they may be. No one can sit across from him without feeling better about themselves. When I started talking about my horrible Titanic experience in my apartment, we actually laughed about it despite how unlaughable it was supposed to be because that left me practically homeless.

Of course, the kindest snuck in and Matthew asks worriedly about my living situation, then was honestly relieved I'm not sleeping in a dirty alley.

His blue eyes are expressive. And mesmerizing. Hell, it is an angelic blue.

But then I glance over his shoulder and found Christian's similar blue gaze watching me. And it was something else kind of blue.

Hey, beauties! How's your midweek? Two more days until the weekend! Ugh. We can get through this. Just two more days. So, what do you think? Can you guess what I have up my sleeve? 😏 Tell me what you think on the comments below. Don't forget to vote.

Check me out on Instagram and Twitter. 💋 Love you! Xoxo

  💋 Love you! Xoxo

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