Chapter 34 - Wakanda

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"Captain, 70 years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, how is this any different?" You walk down the steps in silence and pipe up.

"Because you might have a choice," everyone turns their heads towards you. "Hey guys..." everyone's eyes brighten up but stop when they see the frown on your face and disheveled look.

"Y/n... are you ok?" Nat asks immediately walking over to you.

"I'll tell you later, but for now, we need to focus on Vision," you point up at his head. "His mind is made up of a complex construction of overlays," Bruce interjects.

"Exactly, JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone... all of them are mixed together and learning from one another,"

"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?"

"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts!" Banner looks Nat as she speaks.

"Can we do that?" Bruce shakes his head.

"Not me, not here,"

"You better find someone, and somewhere fast. Ross isn't exactly just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back..." you look over at Cap who was thinking.

"Cap," he looks over at you as you nod.

"I know somewhere,"


"So, what's wrong? Where's Thor and Loki?" Your breathing hitches. "What is it?" You look around at the team who were all looking at you worried.

"Thor... Thor is fine, he's most likely with the Guardians of the galaxy..." Rhodes looks at you questioningly. "They're like a chaotic version of the Avengers but for space... and Loki?" You let out a laugh, hoping to mask the pain. "Loki... he's dead," the words stung as they left your mouth.

"Oh, Y/n," Nat was hesitant but was quick to hug you, doing the same back you feel Wanda sit by your side, slowly caressing your back.

"It's fine... I mean we even started dating for about a day until-" you stop yourself from continuing and shake your head. "Like I said, it's fine," looking out the window at the front of the ship you sigh. "It's fine..."


"Something has entered the atmosphere,"

"They're here..."

"Who's here? Thanos?" Bruce asks worried.

"He isn't here yet, that incoming was his army," you say, transforming into your green and black suit.

"It's too late, we must destroy the stone now," Vision grunts as he sits upright.

"Vision get your ass back in the table," Nat quickly walks out the room.

"We will hold them off," T'Challa quickly follows Nat. "Evacuate the city, engage all defences... get this man a shield!"


"What the hell?" You all stare as the creatures force themselves through the shields only to be bisected.

"Looks like we pissed her off..." Nat turns to you. "What are they?"

"Outriders, they're like the dog version of the Chitauri," focusing your energy to circulate to your hands, you conjure up a spear and ground yourself.

"On my signal," taking a deep breath your realised you must have zoned out, because in a matter of seconds T'Challa yelled to the troops. "WAKANDA FOREVER!" Immediately everyone advances through the field. Charging forward everyone let's out their cry's, let out their built up steam, all towards one common enemy. "Now!" The barriers open and the Outriders all claw through and discard the thought of any other way in. A few minutes later T'Challa shouts through the comms for his sister to pickup the pace, knowing this battle was nowhere near over you continued to jab, stab, puncture any outrider that came your way. Slowly but surely you were surrounded, they gnash at your face causing scratches to appear on your skin.

"Come on Thor where are you?" You grunt as another blow was taken. Your prayers were answered when a yard ahead of you the Bifrost opened and outcomes Stormbreaker hitting each enemy square in the face including the ones on you. "Yes!"

"Oh you're all screwed now!" Bruce shouts once he was clear. Thunder roared above as Thor leaped into the air and brought mayhem onto the Outriders. Once this one was dead another came in it's place, like an endless cycle you had to endure. Walking passed the conversation Thor, Cap and Groot were having you interrupt.

"Enough chit chat boys,"

"Y/n, you're alive!" Thor's relief tone was stopped when you replied.

"Barely, now lets go," going fist first onto one of the animals they growl and retaliate. Large wheels with sharp edges erupt from the ground and advance onto the team.

"Fall back! Fall back now!" T'Challa ducked for cover after his instructions, the wheels killed anything and everything in its way no matter what side you were on. As the wheels got closer to you, Nat and Okoye you continued fighting knowing Wanda would stop it. Just as said the wheels were lifted and discarded as Wanda looked back to you guys.

"Why was she up there all this time?" You snicker at Okoyes comment. Looking back at the building where vision was you see him fall out the window.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam warned through the comms.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Cap yells, obviously distressed. Both Wanda and Bruce replied. Seeing Wanda fall into the ditch you jog over.

"He'll die alone. As will you," You smirk and stand at the edge of the ditch between Nat and Okoye.

"She's not alone..." Proxima turns to the left and right before looking up at you.

"Hey there, goat face," you smile as she lets out a cry before going for all three of you.

"Guys! Vision needs back up!" Making sure the girls handled it you run over to the forest, you couldn't bare to waste energy on teleporting. Finally getting to the patch of trees you see Wanda already at Visions side, he groans as a shock of pain surges from the stone.

"Cap..." wind blows leaves down to the ground, swirling and swaying. You look around to spot the mad Titan before turning to Cap. "He's here,"


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- Anna ❤️

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