Chapter 1: My Story

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I am Maddison Hazel Lennox. I am a girl with unimaginably strong and powerful magic. It is not just magic that makes me special, it is also my mind. You can call me crazy or a genius. However it doesn't differ from the fact that I am unbeatable. At the age of seven, I was sent off to an agency. It was a secret building that studied those who do not belong from our world. Or those who have a purpose so substantial, that it is not from this world. The agency is called The Black and White. They keep a secret from potential dangers out there. Those dangers include my own family. If anyone was to find out about my powers I would be in grave danger along with the world. I am to be the one who can solve anything mankind is to encounter. I am immortal.

Quite some time has passed during my stay at The Black and White. Now I'm 16, I have learned to somewhat control my powers, but sometimes I lose control. I continue to study how to contain my powers in order to keep them a secret for when I leave the agency to travel the world. Perhaps to look after the world. All of the answers I seek starting from why I have these powers to what I am supposed to do with these powers remain hidden. For one day my questions will be answered. As for now, the agency is my family. Not a real one, but they are all I have. They have promised to help me obtain the answers I seek.

All I want is my family. My mom and dad. That's all I long for. I just want to see my mother one more time and tell her how much I love her. I want to tell my father how much he means to me. The last time I saw them was when I was 7. I have faint memories but with the help of my powers I'm able to refresh them quite frequently. The agency tells me stories about how brave and strong my parents are. At the moment they live in Canada. While I live in America.

I have never left the building of the agency. Not since I was 7. Like I said I'm different. If people find out I exist things could go crazy. As far as the world knows "the girl who will solve everything" is just a myth. A myth that has existed for millions of years. Many religions believed that in the years to come, a girl would be born. She would have great powers and a tremendous purpose. However, she would be in great danger, as many will want to use her.

Back when I lived with my parents, I used my smarts to help my mother. It had an unthinkable cost. I'm happy with where I am now, but I want to explore the world, cross the border, and find my parents. I want to help others and show them simple remedies to deadly diseases. I want to share my knowledge and help people. But it is all way too much of a risk. When people find out that I'm a real person, they will want me like crazy. They will think I'm the solution to everything. Which I am. This puts my life at risk, and although it may not seem like it, this also puts the world at risk. This can arise a war, I can. I can create tech that is not meant to be created for another thousand years. What I can do should not be taken lightly. My talents, skills, and powers can not only cure diseases like Cancer and AIDS but it can also help me detect criminals and predict the future.

I have come to realize I would prefer the ordinary life. I don't want my powers. Life can be tough, I've never had a friend. These people treat me with love and respect, but it's different from having real friends that would do anything for you, and a family that's always in your heart. I secretly know this agency is using me. They want to use science to discover how I was created and if they could create genetic clones of me. They have tried, but I'm a one of a kind. The only kind. I can not be recreated. There is nothing special in my genes or my parent's genes that makes me this way. This is just who I am. The agency runs tests and experiments in hopes that they can discover more about me. They have made progress. They discovered I will stop aging once I reach eighteen. I only have two years until my body will never change. Their data can be wrong, but I saw a vision. I am immortal. Despite the agency's own motives, they still love me and do their best to protect me. Most of all they are keeping me a secret. Which is why my parents agreed to keep me here.

In the last 9 years I have never asked to leave the building. I always felt this is what is right for me. That is what I was taught. Now I want to leave. I don't want to spend my entire life in The Black and White. I have a greater purpose. Today is my 16th birthday. I am going to tell the agency that I think it is time to let me go. I have learned a lot and I can control myself out there. I can try. Although I am immortal, my parents are not. I need to spend as much time as I can with them. I need to find them again. This is when my story begins...

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