Chapter 8: Another Epic Escape

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It had been two weeks since I last saw Jacob and Anna. Scarlett changed our breakfast and dinner timings as well. I wake up early to get food and Anna goes a little late for hers. The days had been awkward and silent with Scarlett. Things were just not going back to normal. No matter how much small talk I tried to start, the conversation would always end in Scarlett being disappointed in me. I knew a part of it was because of Mr. Adam. She didn't want him here. He was no use to the agency, all he did was sleep, eat, and repeat.

Today at breakfast I walked over to Scarlett. "Is the testing complete?' I asked. "Yes, we will have results shortly, go have breakfast," she said. "When can I see them again?" I said. Scarlett's face turned into a storm of disappointment once again. I silently walked away. "Wait!" She said. I stopped in between my rapid tracks. "Come with me." We got onto the elevator from the food's floor and went all the way down to floor 10. She was taking me to Jacob and Anna. I hope. "You can see them. But if you disappoint me again I don't know what I will do." Scarlett said. "Thank you," I was so happy, I walked into the room with cheer and brightness all over my face.

As soon as the door shut, Anna dragged me and Jacob to the closet. "Sorry this is the only place with no cameras. Even the bathrooms have cameras. We have to escape now. We have been waiting, we need to go," Anna said and Jacob nodded. "What are you talking about? The results haven't come in yet, we need to wait. And Scarlett is finally putting trust in me." I said. "You don't understand if we don't leave now we are stuck here forever. The results came in days ago. Nothing special. You can not be recreated. She wants to keep you here forever so the next generations can watch over you and study you. But we can escape, the three of us can go." Anna said.

"Why is she lying?" I asked. "Because she is a psycho, trust me. She never loved you or raised you with good in her heart. She used you. I bet she wants to recreate your powers and put them into herself. She is dangerous. I know that Scarlett will cross all lengths to get what she wants. She is only letting you see us because she doesn't know me and Jacob found out about her plans by paying off some guards." Anna finished. "You can't be sure she wants to do that," I said. "If she can't recreate your powers, she will steal them. Rip them out of you somehow. Some guards overheard her talking about her plans with some other beastly scientists. We got our ticket out from the same guards we can go," Anna exclaimed.

If even a sinch of what Anna was saying was right we needed to go. I believe her.

"What about Adam? And where would we go?" Jacob asked. "The same guard got me 3 passports, we can escape and go to Canada. I have your parents address. We can find them." Anna said. "And Adam?" He asked again. "I am sorry," Anna said. "I am not going without him," he said. Jacob was determined to get Mr. Adam out as well.

"We won't go without him," I confirmed. "Okay fine, I'll arrange another passport don't ask how," Anna said. "Don't tell me you are gonna-to a guard," I retorted. "Like I said don't ask. I don't have much money. I have to use my methods," Anna confessed. "We meet tomorrow before sunrise," I demanded. "Not with the stupid guards watching our every move," Anna said. "I'll take care of that," Jacob answered. "Everything is in order then, I will let Mr. Adams know about the plan and prepare him for the journey."

"So Anna is arranging the passport, I am taking care of the guards and Maddie, you will bring Mr. Adams?" Jacob asked. "I will," I confirmed. "You have to know-he means a lot. He sacrificed-" Jacob cut himself off. I nodded.

I went back up to floor 52. My first instinct was to warn Mr. Adams about the plan and tell him to pack his things. After doing that I went to my room and packed my own things. Right before sunrise I went to get Mr. Adams and with him by my side, I headed to the elevator. In my head I prayed for the guards to be taken care of. Once I reached the bottom floor, the elevator opened and the guards were all silently sleeping. I wonder if they were always sleeping like this or was this the work of Jacob? I linked arms with Mr. Adam to help him walk. He was definitely old. He did slow me down but I respected him. However I could see the reason why Anna did not want him to come with us.

When we arrived at the back door Jacob and Anna were already there smiling at us. Jacob gave Mr. Adams a long hug. I loved the respect he had for him. "Was the guards you?" I asked. "Yes mam" he said. We all laughed together and headed out the door to catch a cab. No one knew what lay ahead. Would we find my parents? Would Scarlett find us? Is Scarlett really a psycho?

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