Chapter 11: The Way There

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Jacob and I split up to look for them. I went ahead and he went behind the clearing. The feeling in my stomach was unexplainable. I felt like I may lose someone I love. I tried to activate my powers, but the woods weakened them. I rushed through thousands of trees until I saw them. I stopped in my tracks. Behind an old rusty tree they were kissing. Alex and Anna. She was in his arms, they truly seemed to care for one another. A few seconds later I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I turned to see Jacob. We both silently walked away back to the clearing hand in hand.

A few moments later I saw the two of them return to the open area. "So you two, huh?" I giggled. "It's kind of gross actually. My brother kissed my best friend, bluh!" I laughed. "How did you know?" Alex asked. "Wrong question. Do you guys actually love each other?" I asked. Jacob was silently watching us have this juicy conversation. "We aren't in love yet. But might be there soon." Anna answered. Not long after we continued to trek deeper into the woods. We had to keep moving forward. Days passed and we hadn't reached any underground location. Maybe we missed it, or the information Alex found was invalid. Whatever the case was, I was starting to lose hope. Anna and Alex got much closer. In fact, they fell in love. However, Jacob and I hadn't moved forward. Not even a single move.

I ran up to Alex and said "are you sure about this bro?" He seemed to be in doubt as well, but I knew he was trying to cover it up. "I know we are almost there," he said. It was getting a little hard to believe. Almost a week of hiking through these woods had passed. We were probably out of Rostov by now. We were probably hiking through the woods of some random forest in Russia. Seconds later Jacob was beside me. I realized I had left him behind when I ran to Alex.

I was slightly mad. I don't know what exactly I was mad about. Maybe it was because all Jacob and I had done was talk. We didn't build trust or share any romantic moments. Isn't that supposed to be such a huge part of a relationship? Or maybe I was wrong. I might be mad because of the stupid underground route. What if we don't find it? What if we have been blindly walking into a stupid forest for days for no reason? We don't even know what we may overcome once we reach the underground area. How long would we walk there? And these scientists, how long have they been waiting for? The truth was, I wanted to return to my parents. I want to spend time with them.

I rushed ahead of everybody and decided to walk on my own. Nobody objected. I think they understood I needed to be alone. I walked a few miles on my own. I needed time to process some things. As my thoughts started to come to an end I tripped over a rock and fell. I couldn't stop falling. "Help!" I screamed. I knew it had only been a minute or so of falling but it felt like hours. Before I knew it, I hit the ground with a thump. It didn't hurt that much, but I could feel the pain due to the weakness in my powers. There was a sign with an arrow towards a cave-like opening. The sign read "The Prophecy". That is when I knew that we had finally arrived at the final piece. "Guys? Hey! Anna? Jacob? Alex!" I screamed as loud as I could. They couldn't hear me. I felt almost a mile down. I sat on the dusty ground under me. I had to think about my next step. I can't go there without them, but I can't go back up either. What do I do now?

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