Chapter 14: The End Is Just The Beginning

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A year. A year is not that much time, but my life changed in just that. Life can change in a single moment, so what is a year? About a month after Jacob and I started traveling north, we found our destination. We live right off the edge of Earth. In a place where most ordinary people will not be able to breathe because of the northern areas. However Jacob and I can not die because we are immortal and the dead don't need to breathe. It has been 11 months since then. We got to know so many of the dead or the future living. Nature explained to us the simple rules we must live by. It's all about secrecy.

So far we have led many of the dead to the right pathway to the journey that awaits them, but it isn't enough. It takes hundreds of years to change someone's heart. Nature really played itself when they created humans. It knew nothing of what it was doing. It just wanted someone to cherish it, but little did nature know it comes with consequences. Humans have an instinct to be selfish and always care for themselves beyond others. However embedding goodness into one's heart does rather help. Not every human is the same. They are all so complicated and different, which makes it so difficult to understand one and figure out how to change them. How to touch the inside of their heart from the outside.

We haven't only been working on people from the inside, we also helped some on the outside. On Earth. I had time to visit my loved ones. Turns out they will always be with me in away. Even though they will not remember it, I still will. Which is what matters to me. Moreover, my friends and family may not have me but they will have each other. Nature told us that once someone dies, they go back into the world the same way, with the same people. Good to know. Anyhow, Anna, and Alex got engaged. Adam opened his own library. He was truly successful as he plans on opening more and more branches in the near future. He teaches young readers about the Earth and more prophecies to come. Although the upcoming prophecies will not be as crazy as ours, it may still in fact help the next cycles of generations. Everyone's life that Jacob and I touched finally feels in peace after we left. So does ours.

I know Jacob was hoping to see his parents. I want to be there for him when he does. Nevertheless, we have not encountered them. He went to ask nature about when he would come across his parents. Nature strictly told him that his purpose was only to help heal the inside of the corrupted people. He was only to love one person, which was me. Everyone else would move on.

The place we lived in was called the Unsurvivable North by the people who lived here. There were many different broken down groups here, while those groups broke down even further. Earth had billions of people, and a majority of them can't directly go to heaven or hell. Jacob and I have only had enough time to meet some of those people. We went to those who are somewhat on the good side but need a push and those who are somewhat on the bad side and need a lot of help. There are so many more categories though, for example being right in between good and bad, having unresolved business that they can't move on without solving it, and much more. If his parents were here, it would take him a lot of time to get to them because the categories I listed break down even further.

Nature informed us that we have been doing our job pretty well. We are the first ones to prove to it, that humans are capable of good. Even though properties and traits don't make us exactly human. Sometimes I go back to the time where I thought that I was nothing but an ordinary human with supernatural powers. I used to think once my powers are duplicated I wouldn't have the lonesome burden of being the only one who could protect whatever humans are to face in the future. Even when I heard about the prophecy and met Jacob, I felt my purpose still remained to be staying on Earth and helping Earth flourish. It wasn't until we found out about the final piece and traveled to Russia that we figured what we were truly meant to do.

My journey set off the second I was left in the hands of The Black and White. That was the moment my life took a turn. I was studied and experimented with. I became a lab rat. I thought it was for my own good, but it wasn't. A couple of months ago when Jacob and I traveled to Earth once more, we exposed The Black and White. Scarlett was arrested and the workers that were deep in her side were also arrested. The government decided The Black and White shall not be taken down because Scarlett left The Black and White to me. Turns out she did love me. She passed the entire building in my hands after her arrest. When the government asked what I would like to do with it, I made the decision to pass it on into the right hands. My parents. My mom is now a pediatrician there and my dad is a surgeon. Anna and Alex lead a team of scientists and other types of biologists.

"Mad?" Jacob called. I exited the 'support' chamber where I was currently helping those who had tough memories in the real world. "Yes?" I asked. Ever since we had left the Earth, we were being very formal with each other. Most of the time we worked in different chambers. At the start we would work together. But as time progressed things changed. Jacob was so desperate to find his parents before they lost their memories and returned to the Earth, he asked if we could split up and work. So I worked in a different chamber while he worked in another one.

"We need to talk, I found my parents," Jacob said with a sorrowful tone. "What is it? Didn't you talk to them?" I questioned. "I-I'm going to," Jacob hesitated. "You have to. It's what you have always wanted." I pushed. He had to go. His parents being gone had created a hole in his heart. The hole had to be filled, it might even be why the two of us didn't share any special moments. Because he isn't ready. "I feel responsible for their death. It is impossible to face them knowing that," Jacob replied. I moved closer and put my hand on his shoulder. "It isn't your fault. You never knew that agency would be bad. You didn't know that the agency would take vengeance on your parents." I tried my best to support him.

"Look, in their next life they will still be together. And we will guide them in fact. There is no one to blame for what happened. The workers of that other agency will come here someday, and we will question them and teach them to be better so this doesn't happen again," I said. "Thank you, I should go then. Will you come with me?" He asked. "Of course," I answered. We both headed to the chamber his parents were in. At the top of the building it said 'Unresolved Matters'. Once we were in, Jacob slowly walked up to his parents. It took his parents a second to recognize him as Jacob had grown so much in the last few years. "Jacob!" His dad yelled. He grabbed him and pulled him into his arms. Jacob's mom walked forward and joined the hug. I smiled. "Wait! Are you dead? How the hell are you here? Your immortal!" Jacob's mom panicked. "My purpose isn't just tied with Earth, it is also connected here. Nature realized it is way too difficult for it to guide people while they are at the Unsurvivable North. So it built Mads and I to do so. We guide people here and on Earth. We also protect Earth," Jacob answered his parent's worries.

"I always knew my boy was going to be a special one! Look at you all grown up." His dad exclaimed. "Who would this beautiful girl be?" Jacob's mom asked, looking at me. "She is Mads," Jacob answered. His mom stepped forward and gave me a hug. "Take care of my boy, won't you?" His mom pleaded. His dad also came forward and put his soft arm on my shoulder. "Of course," I answered. This was a family reunion I never thought would happen. Jacob's parents smiled with great happiness. Jacob looked the best that he had ever looked since I found him.

After they had met me, I walked out of the chamber to give them some time to take everything in. Jacob stayed inside to tell them more about what is going on. Once he was done he walked out and thanked me. "There is no need for thank you's," I said. There truly wasn't. He came with me to my parents. To the agency. The least I could have done was to help him confront his parents. I am glad I did.

"I know that we barely know each other, but I feel so connected to you. It's like, it has only been a few weeks since we met, but I feel you know everything about me and I know so much about you. I know this might be too early and I understand if you refuse, but I have to ask. Will you marry me?" Jacob exclaimed. I didn't know what to say. First the relationship between us was so bleak and then marriage. Maybe it was because he talked to his parents and filled the hole in his heart. "I-I" I honestly tried but I didn't know what to say. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The prophecies weren't wrong, I am in love with you. I try to stay away because I don't want to hurt you because of my problems, but I do truly love you. I watch you every day working with children, families, teenagers, showing them the right way. I learned so much from you. You are so kind, gentle, and patient." Jacob said.

I got closer, as close as I could and leaned in. I looked up at him on my tippy toes. Then I did what I had wanted to do for so long. I pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back. That moment we shared is definitely one I will never forget. "I love you too," I said. That was the exact moment I knew, that moving forward my entire life is going to be a journey. An adventure. For eternity. For every moment I am with him, I feel happy and loved. That is a feeling I shall never trade for anything. A single moment can change so much, love can change so much. 

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