Chapter 12: Love and Trust

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I stood in the shadows of the mystique underground pathway which led to the answers I've been looking for. I could continue onwards, get my answers, and return to the others to share what I have learned. Or I could figure out a way to get back up there, find them, and return to the underground pathway with the people I trust most by my side. The choice was difficult. Before I could give it more consideration I heard small rocks tumbling down the way they did when I made my way down here. Could the cave be collapsing? Then I saw it. There he was. Jacob had come for me. He was coming down. His hair flew by the pressure of the drop. Not moments later Anna and Alex were insight as well. I tried to use my magic to slow down their fall or create a soft cushion for them to land on, however, my attempts were all failing due to the weakness of my powers. The Russians must have purposely created a solid foundation for their location in order to weaken my powers to the point where they were no longer usable on my stay here.

Once Jacob hit the ground I dropped my bag and ran up to him while lowering myself to his level. I felt a spark when I looked into his eyes. A spark in my heart, why would he jump for me? Anna and Alex had reason to because I was Anna's best friend and Alex's sister. Jacob just took a leap of faith. It touched my heart. I helped him up and then the others. As we walked deeper into the underground cave I realized something. Throughout this whole thing, starting from the discovery of my powers to the end I always had someone. Whether it was my parents, Scarlett, Anna, Alex, or Jacob. I always had someone. I was actually lucky. My powers may have always seemed like a curse to me, but it was also a blessing. Because I was never truly alone.

After a few minutes of walking, the walls turned into glass. A dark shady glass. It was like we were walking into a lab. A lab that was both ancient and modern. Our footsteps activated about a dozen computers. Their light shimmered brightly into our eyes. I walked a few meters ahead to study what was going on. From what I had learned so far from my history classes, the design of the lab-like base seemed to be old. The style could have been from over a million years ago. The computers however were all the latest models. Top-notch quality and all.

Before I knew it, I felt Jacobs warm hand grasp mine. Having someone stand beside you in dark times, means more than I ever thought. A second later, Anna was on my other side holding my other hand. While Alex held her free hand. Once the computers were powered they started to deliver an auditory digital message. The more we walked the more computers continued to light up and continue the same message. "For centuries we have awaited your arrival at this hidden display. The special ones. We ask for nothing more than your cooperation as we lead you to the truth that will reveal the final piece of the prophecy. Russia was chosen to create this facility as it is the largest country on the planet Earth. We have hid many secrets and installed many discoveries in our time. Follow the lighted pathway to reach the answers you have been longing for."

Once the message ended we traveled to our final destination in this journey. For Jacob and I there are many more yet to come, but this may be the last one with my best friend and brother. There were answers out there that awaited us. If there was one thing I knew from day one, it was that I will find my answers. Hand in hand with people I can now call my family after all that we have been through I ventured into what is left of this adventure.

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