December 3rd

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I was listening to my professor as he finished up the lecture for the day. I had my stopping point where I was taking notes because I had fallen behind, unable to write fast enough. Most of the time, I couldn't abbreviate it because I would forget what it meant. However, I didn't have class after this one, so I could finish the notes when I returned to my apartment. The struggle of doing handwritten notes instead of typing them.

Once my professor finished the closing statements and told the class he would see us next time, I quickly shoved all of my stuff into my backpack. I put my earbuds in as I started walking out of the lecture hall. While scrolling on my phone to find the music to fit my mood, I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I looked at the person I ran into. And because of my luck, it was a cute guy. I just have to get out of this situation without completely humiliating myself. That would be a Christmas miracle. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

He smiled, "It's all good. No one got hurt, and nothing got spilled." His smile made him cuter than before. I was definitely screwed if the conversation ended up being much longer.

"I have to go. I'm sorry again," I said quickly before walking away. I needed to distance myself from the situation before I humiliated myself. I didn't need a cute guy thinking I was a complete weirdo.

"Wait," The guy shouted, but I didn't turn back. In fact, I started walking faster, trying to get out of the building as fast as possible. As I sped walked, I turned on my music and turned up the volume.

Once I got out of the building, I felt relieved. He didn't follow me, which would have been a little creepy if he did. Plus, I didn't make a fool out of myself, so I considered that a win. No public humiliation for Hailey.

I pulled up my group chat with my mom and my sister. Even though my sister is like me and completely helpless when it comes to talking to cute guys, and my mom is married to my dad, they were the only support I had in this type of situation. While there was no public humiliation, I had to get some from the family.

Hailey: Guess who ran into a cute boy? Literally

Sam: Did you talk to him?

Hailey: Do you not know me? I apologized and then ran.

Mom: Didn't I teach you two how to talk to boys?

Hailey: Nope

I shoved my phone into my hoodie pocket and returned to my apartment. I hid in the middle of the crowds of students until I got to safety. Once I was in my apartment, I would be able to hide and forget that I ran into a cute guy looking like a gremlin. In the safety and comfort of my room.

Once I got into my bedroom, I threw my backpack at the end of the bed and hopped onto the other side of my bed. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, collecting my thoughts. I needed a break from classes even though if all of my classes were back to back, I could just get them over with. However, more than two or three classes one after another get mentally exhausting. Plus, it's always good to have a nap during the day.

After laying on my bed, scrolling on social media, and doing nothing important, I went out of my room to get lunch. I had to leave for my class soon and needed food in my stomach since I hadn't eaten earlier.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen and started making a peanut butter sandwich, Alice walked into the apartment. Before joining me for lunch, she went to her room to drop her bag off. She had just gotten off of work and had a little bit of time before she had to go to class.

"I ran into a cute guy today as I was walking out of my classes," I said as I took a bite of my sandwich. Alice made herself some Thanksgiving leftovers before sitting next to me on the island. "The good news was I didn't make a total fool of myself."

"Did you talk to him?" Alice asked.

"It's like no one knows me. That was the first question my mom and sister asked me when I told them. I only apologized before leaving because I didn't want to humiliate myself."

"I know this is the most annoying question, but how are you supposed to find a boyfriend if you can't even talk to a guy?" Alice asked.

I sighed, "I don't know. It's hard. I don't think I'm actually what the guy is looking for. I'm not the prettiest or smartest, and I'm definitely not that athletic. I feel like I'm just meh, and any cute guy I see won't be attracted to me."

"That's not true! You just haven't found the right confidence in yourself."

"I have the confidence of a turtle."

"Weird analogy but alright."

"No guy wants a mediocre girl who spends most of her time sleeping and is terrible at taking care of herself. I don't think they would care for my obsession with the Jonas Brothers and would tolerate my love of Disney. Plus, it doesn't help that I constantly get into my head and talk myself out of everything."

"The right guys will see past all that help build your confidence up without you realizing. You just have to wait for him to appear."

"Nah. It's too much work to look for a guy," I said as I got up and swung my backpack over my shoulder. I walked to the apartment door to leave before turning back to Alice. "Plus, it isn't like I'm ever seeing that guy again. There are thousands of students on this campus. I highly doubt he will make an appearance again." I walked out of the apartment and to my next class.

My afternoon classes flew by as quickly as college lectures could go. I went back to my apartment once again. Layla and Ronnie were chatting to one another as a Christmas movie played in the background. While Ronnie was running around like a headless chicken, Layla was just chilling in the living room, eating a bowl of cereal.

"What's happening here?" I said as I placed my backpack onto the couch and sat down next to it. I watched Ronnie sprint into the bathroom. "You seem to have lost your mind."

"I have a sorority event that I'm currently going to be late to because I lost track of time. I'm going to get murdered if I show up too late," Ronnie said as she checked over her hair and makeup one last time.

Layla held up her bowl of cereal and said, "I just woke up, and this is my first meal of the day, so that tells you how my day has been going.

I laughed, "What a fucking mood."

"Okay, I think I'm ready," Ronnie said as she came out of the bathroom. She gathered all of her stuff off the counter and headed to the door. "I'll be back late, so I'll see you guys later." Once Ronnie was gone, Layla and I watched How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Hailey will always be a mood. I would 110% react the way she did if I ever ran into a cute guy. Then again, I have to find a cute guy to run into.

Also I may or may not have forgotten to post last weekend but I was also on a mini vacation so it completely slipped my mind until I was back.

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