December 13th

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When Friday the 13th happens, I either have an amazing or terrible day. There is never just a normal day on Friday the 13th. Literally, I never know if I'm going to want to curl up into a ball and cry or be bouncing off the walls. So far, this one is one that I'm having an amazing day. Probably because finals scare me more than Friday the 13th.

The roomies and I were currently on our way to Texas Roadhouse. It was roommate time, so until the dinner was over and I was back at the apartment, Ethan wasn't going to hear from me.

Once we got to Texas Roadhouse, we spent like ten minutes trying to get a parking spot. We were even waiting for one and signaling that we would take it when some bitches took it from us. We were not happy. However, not long after that, we found another parking spot. We should have thought this out better. Friday at Texas Roadhouse is never a good idea, no matter where you are. Friday night is date night, and Texas Roadhouse is one of the places to be.

"I can't believe that the semester is almost over," Ronnie said after we were seated at our table. Honestly, I just wanted to eat the rolls. I love my roomies, don't get me wrong, but I would kill a man for Texas Roadhouse rolls and cinnamon honey butter. "It seems like we just moved in not too long ago."

"This time next week, we will all be at home," Layla said. Man, it is only the start of dinner, and they are already being sappy.

"Thank God," Alice said. She was currently shoving a roll full of butter in her mouth. This is why we are best friends. "I won't have to see Hailey's ugly face for a whole month."

I shove my roll in my mouth before saying, "I was thinking the exact same about you. I can see it now." Alice and I both sighed dreamily at the thought of not seeing one another for a month.

"Why are you two like this? We are trying to have a moment, and you ruined it. Can't you pretend to like each other?" Ronnie scolded.

I shrugged and said, "It is how we show our love. Plus, it is too early to be all sappy about winter break. I'm going to want food before I do the whole crying thing."

"Plus, we have all weekend together even though we all will be studying," Alice added.

"Exactly," I agreed.

"Well, if we can't be happy about the end of the semester, let's talk about Ethan," Ronnie said with way too much excitement. Then again, I haven't mentioned what happened the past few days to them. All they know is that I went over on Wednesday and nothing after that.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, ready for questions.

"When do we get to meet him?"

"What happened when you went over?"

"What exactly is going on between the two of you?"

"When is your next date?"

"Do you like him?"

The questions kept coming. I was waiting for them to ask all their dumb questions before I answered the obvious ones. I knew once I told them about going to a party with him tonight, they would lose their shits.

Once they finished asking questions, I finally said, "He's taking me to a party at the Hockey House tonight."

"What?" They all exclaimed quite loudly, allowing a good portion of the people around us to look at our table.

"Geez, keep it down," I said. They didn't say anything. Just kept staring at me in shock. "Yesterday, after I had a rough morning because a couple of girls were talking about me in class. Ethan kind of realized something was up when I left class because I looked like I was about to break down and cry. So to fix all the rumors and drama that is surrounding us, he invited me to a party at the Hockey House."

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