December 23rd

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"Who's sweatshirt is this?" My dad asked me as he held a hoodie that was too big to be even one of my super baggy hoodies. However, it did look vaguely familiar. "It was in your laundry."

It took me a second before I said, "It's Ethan's."

"How did it end up in your laundry?"

"I don't know. Ethan gave it to me when I went to the party with him, but I returned it. Though I think he wore it when we did movie night after I did laundry. I don't remember him leaving it, though, so maybe it was an accident.."

"Yeah, right," My mom scoffed.


"That boy left you his sweatshirt for you to find. He put it in your laundry, so when you did find it, you would wear it. He didn't want you to return it in the first place."

"Did Dad ever give you his hoodies?"

"Hoodies weren't a huge thing back in the day. I did get to wear his letterman jacket, though."

"You know that makes you sound old, right?" I said. My mom lightly smacked me, causing me to start laughing. She knew that I was teasing. I tell her that she is old all the time, especially when something has already made her feel old. "Why would he give me a hoodie when he wouldn't see me in it? That doesn't seem reasonable."

"Ask him," My mom said. I shrugged and made my way up to my room. I still was recovering in my social battery from seeing people the past couple of days. I also didn't want people to overhear Ethan and I's conversation. I don't need to give them any more information about the nonexistent relationship as is.

"You called first. What happened?" Ethan teased the second he answered my call.

I scoffed, "You think just because I called you that means the world is ending?"


"Anyways, my dad found your sweatshirt in my laundry. Any chance you know how it got there? Especially after I returned it to you."

"You just found it? It's been in your hamper since our movie night and sleepover. I put it in your hamper after you rolled off your bed and went to the bathroom. I was expecting you to find it during finals."

"I didn't look around my hamper, and my dad couldn't fold the laundry until today. So sorry for missing it."

"You should be."

"Why did you even give me one of your hoodies?" I asked.

He laughed, "Don't girls like it when guys give them hoodies? Plus, I figured you would have found it earlier, and I would have seen it during finals week."

"You should have hidden it somewhere I would have seen it or told me that you gave me one of your hoodies. This also isn't your way of claiming me or marking your territory, is it?"

"We are miles away," He started to say. He didn't get to finish explaining before I ended the call. I was frustrated and didn't want to hear whatever bullshit he was going to say. Instead, I just curled up in my comforter and took a nap.

My phone started vibrating, so I answered, "I'm trying to take a nap. I will call you when I am awake and no longer cranky. After that, you can explain." I hung up on Ethan again before putting my phone on my nightstand and sleeping.

"You hung up on me. Twice," Ethan said when I called him after my nap. Well, we were FaceTiming this time.

"Poor baby," I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me. I gave him a quick innocent smile before moving straight to the point. "Why did you give me the hoodie?"

"Before you hang up, it isn't claiming you or marking my territory type thing. We aren't dating yet, and I know you trust me to be friends with other girls, so I should be the same about you. I gave you the hoodie because it is hard to win over a girl when she is miles away from you, and it is the only way I know how. I didn't want you to think I was only with you for the short term. Plus, I know how much you love being comfortable, and a giant hoodie is always comfy."

"You're cheesy as fuck."

"And you have ruined the moment."

I smiled and said, "It's what I do best."

"Not to change the mood," Ethan said. My smile fell, knowing what he was going to ask. "Why are you so against someone saying they claim you?"

"Now, who is ruining the mood?"

"Hailey, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No, I can answer. I don't mind something saying I'm their girlfriend or something like that. I just don't like jealousy or possessiveness. I'm not too fond of modern-day romance books and movies where the guy tells the girl she is his and his only. I don't particularly appreciate being controlled. I like being able to do what I want without some guy knowing my every move. I'd let them know I'm going out and where, but I don't want to feel like they are breathing down my neck. I like my freedom."

"I would never do anything like that to you," Ethan said.

"How do I know that?" I asked. He looked concerned. "I barely know you."

"What happened to you, Hailey?"

I sighed, "My ex broke me emotionally pretty well. He was my best friend for years and wasn't super controlling. We both had busy lives. I had school, work, and extracurriculars, while he just had school and work. We hardly saw each other in person. I guess it started to fall apart because I was becoming close friends with a guy in one of my clubs. It would never be more than friendship, but many people thought we would date. My ex got word, and not being able to hang out with him drove my ex to think that I was going to leave him for my guy friend. I don't know, there was too much jealousy and arguing, and I felt like I was drowning. After a while, I knew I had to break up with him because it was the only way to prevent that relationship from becoming toxic for the both of us."

"Hailey, I'm not going to ever act like that, and if I do, you can punch me in the face."

"Thanks, Ethan," I said as I smiled. I saw a familiar face barge into Ethan's room. "Liam! How was your date?"

"It went well, I think," Liam said as he collapsed on top of Ethan. Ethan let out an oof. "Tell me, why was Ethan here, Mr. Grumps, for like an hour?"

"I hung upon him. Twice." I shrugged.

Liam laughed, "That's my girl." That got him shoved off the bed by Ethan. I laughed at the two idiots who were currently wrestling. I swear, these boys are going to be the deaths of one another.

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