December 21st

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I was sitting in the car, earbuds in, and staring out the window of the mini-van. My dad was driving and talking with my grandmother. My mom was sitting next to me, working, while my brother was in the back of the van, probably watching videos on his phone. It wasn't a long drive, so it didn't make sense to bring a lot to entertain me. Mostly, just spent it scrolling on social media.

When we got to the house we were all meeting up at, we were the first ones to arrive. We walked in, took off our shoes, and went straight to the basement. We do the same thing every year. We always hang out in the basement, eating the same goodies before and after lunch, we always have chicken and noodles for lunch, my dad always riles up the kids, and then he annoys his aunt with Frosty. The only things that change are the number of people that show up.At least they have chocolate milk.

After lunch, we were all sitting around the basement, talking. We talked about everything from work to health to the missing family members to school. You know the basics: every family gets together conversations that always happen. The topic of Ethan wasn't brought up, however, I knew my luck was running out.

"So Hailey," My aunt started to say. I groaned. I knew that this was coming. My aunt won't let this go, will she? "You never did tell me how you met your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Everyone said, staring at me. Someone kill me. Just run me over with a car or something.

I groaned, "He isn't my boyfriend. He is just a friend that just happens to be a male."

"But you said he was cute."

"Wait, are we talking about the cute guy?" Sam asked. Of course, she had to but in. I love my sister, but she doesn't always know when to shut up. Especially when it comes to sharing everyone's business but her own.


"Can someone tell us what is going on?" My other uncle asked. The one from yesterday had to work so he couldn't come. "Hailey has a boyfriend?"

"As I said, he isn't my boyfriend. He is just a friend. We only met a few weeks ago. Not going to be dating him anytime soon. At least I don't think I"m going to."

"And how did you guys meet?" My aunt asked again. I knew that there was no chance of me getting out of this. Everyone was focused on me and wanting to hear more about Ethan. This is why I despise family get togethers. They always want to know everything going on.

I sighed, "We kept literally running into one another. We first ran into each other as I was leaving my class and he was entering his. He asked me out, but I already had plans with my roommates. Ran into him while out with my roommates and he was on a date with another girl. Eventually found out they were just friends and I started hanging out with cute guy. Even went on a few small dates and a party with him."

"A party?" All the older generation said in shock. I don't know why they reacted like that. Didn't all of their kids go to parties. I know for sure my dad and uncles did. Plus, they already know that I drink. Most of my family has seen me drink an alcohol at family get togethers before.

"What is he studying?" My uncle asked. I was kinda glad that he changed the topic even if it was still focused on Ethan.

"Political science and history, pre-law."

"Ooo, a lawyer," Sam said,

I smacked her leg and said, "Quit encouraging them."

"It's not my fault. You didn't tell anyone about him."

"Because there was nothing to talk about. Even if there was, it is none of anyone's business, except Mom's. I just met the guy a few weeks ago so I don't want everyone to think it is something serious, at least not yet."

"Knock it off," My mom said, ending our bickering. "You two know better."

"Sorry," I mumbled before laying my head on her leg. I'm a huge momma's girl. She is my favorite human and always will be.

After a day of spending time with the family, my brother and I climbed into Sam's car. I love my grandma but after a day of pretending to like people, I couldn't be in a car with her. All she does is talk even when there is nothing to talk about. I'm drained socially and I can't deal with her right now. Especially, now that she knows about Ethan, she probably won't stop asking questions about him ever.

Ethan: Hey

Hailey: Hi

Ethan: What are you doing right now?

Hailey: Currently sitting in my sister's car, on the way home from the family get together, wanting to die

Ethan: Why? Did something happen?

Hailey: Nothing besides the fact that you were brought up so now my dad's side of the family knows about your existence.

Ethan: And that's bad?

Hailey: Yeah that's bad. It is all everyone is going to talk about for the rest of my life.

Ethan: I don't see a problem with that.

Hailey: I do. I hate talking about myself and would rather keep my personal life out of too much family involvement.

Once we got home, Sam said, "Alright, I vote sibling movie night." The three of us dispersed to get into comfy clothes, blankets, snacks, drinks, and whatever else was needed for movie night. After everything was gathered, the three of us met in the basement, all claiming a recliner to sit in and watch The Muppets Christmas Carol.

"When a cold wind blows it chills you. Chills you to the bone. But there's nothing in nature that freezes your heart. Like years of being alone," The Muppets sang. Wow, what a great start to a kid's movie. "It paints you with indifference. Like a lady paints with a rogue. And the worst of the worst. The most hated and cursed. It is the one that we call Scrooge. Unkind as any. And the wrath of many. This is that Ebenezer Scrooge."

"This song's just like the Grinch," I said. My siblings just shushed me instead.

"There goes Mr. Heartless. There goes Mr. Cruel. He never gives, he only takes. He let this hunger rule. If bein' mean's a way of life. He'll practice and rehearse. And all that is paying off. 'Cause Scrooge is getting worse. Every day, in every way, Scrooge is getting worse, They finished singing. We dove into the world of Michale Caine being Ebenezer Scrooge and a bunch of creepy ghosts.

After that, we finished our short movie night by watching The Lion King. Sam was disappointed to find out that it wasn't the version where Zazu sings the morning report. After that, the three of us decided that we were tired of one another and went to our own separate spaces to avoid each other for the rest of the night.

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