Part 13

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She doesn't remember most of the walk up to her room, because she was doing her best to contain her temper.

She wishes she hadn't given out about the kids, in front of the kids - but she can't go back and stop herself now.

They all seemed to brighten up when she complimented all of them, which is a thing she likes to do in her training sessions. Kids don't achieve their potential if they get shouted at all the time with no positive reinforcement.

Stripping off her workout gear, she remembers she left her sweatshirt in the gym.

Cursing herself, she writes it down on a post-it note - she'll get it after her shower.

Snatching a towel from the wardrobe, and her shower products, she stomps into her bathroom, letting a screech of frustration out while the water heats up.

She really couldn't believe how under-trained those kids were. Every pack does things differently, but she could beat the future Chief Warrior with minimal effort, and mild bruising.

Closing the bathroom door, and locking it - out of paranoia, of course - she steps into the scalding hot shower, letting her hair down and keeping it out of the water.

Angrily washing her hair in colder water, she puts a toner in and shaves her legs, muttering curses to herself the entire time.

She can't even enjoy the fresh scent of her hair products, or the fact her roots haven't grown in, because she's so agitated.

Rinsing out her toner, she makes sure her hair isn't purple, before putting a mask in and sitting on the built-in bench in the shower.

Putting her head against the wall, she sits there for a few minutes, trying to relax, but ultimately being unable to calm down.

She found it odd how different Roman was on his territory, but he does have a reputation to uphold, she guesses.

Rubbing her shoulder blade, a phantom pain runs through her as her fingertips dance over her brand.

Rinsing the mask out, and tying her hair into a towel, she rinses off quickly, before getting out and into the beckoning fluffy towel.

The level of warmth from the towel she wraps around herself makes her feel a bit better - it's comforting and reminds her of being in hotels with her family on vacation.

Unlocking her bathroom door, she peeks out of the gap into her bedroom - she's always paranoid on the journey from the bathroom to the bedroom.

York always gives out about it and says it's because of all of the serial killer documentaries she's watched and listened to over the past few years while she does her work.

She ignores him every time.

Quickly bounding from the bathroom over to her wardrobe, she looks at what she hung up already.

The desire to get into pyjamas is overwhelming, but it's almost dinner time, so she has to put on something presentable to meet the pack.

Reluctantly slipping into an emerald silk slip dress, she adds a necklace before letting her hair down.

Staring at the tangle of blond in the mirror, Avery grumbles as she roots in her suitcase for her blow-dryer, desperately regretting washing her hair.

Adding all of her products to her hair, she sorts out her makeup for dinner, and then quickly dries her mane, wrestling it into a loose over-the-shoulder braid when it refuses to cooperate.

Hearing a bell being rung downstairs, she sighs, assuming that means it's dinner time - if it isn't, they're going to be very confused about the formally-attired she-wolf in their midst.

Descending the stairs after finding her way out of the maze with no issues this time, a smirk on her face as she passes the room where she heard Roman in a less than favourable position earlier.

Walking to where she can hear a lot of chatter, she slides in one of the side doors.

Her attempt to go unnoticed fails, as it seems like the whole pack turns and stares at her once once one person saw her.

Beta Ryan appears by her side, escorting her to the head table.

"Hello, Deputy Alpha Wilcott. Alpha Lancaster invited the whole pack to meet you, so this is the most full this hall will be," the man mutters to her, and she raises a brow, her lip curling up in irritation.

"Avery, please. And all this because I called him out on something that should have been noticed months ago?" She snorts quietly, shaking her head, and she's led by the elbow up the three steps that lead to the main table.

Alpha Roman isn't present, but he seems to be the only person missing from the table, as Ryan pulls out a seat for her and she sits down.

"Avery," Ryan coughs, "this is my mate Carolyn, and our daughter Michelle."

Little Michelle is adorable, and Avery instantly beams at her, pulling faces at her across the table, and making the toddler giggle.

"Hello, Carolyn, it's lovely to meet you," Avery says after a minute or two of amusing the child.

Carolyn looks at her curiously before giving her a small smile.

"Hello. You look stunning. I heard about your training session earlier from my younger brother; he said they all enjoyed being tested," Carolyn responds softly, her voice as gentle as her appearance.

"Oh, they didn't enjoy it when they were being tested, I can assure you of that," she laughs awkwardly, looking around desperately for a way out.

Avery is much more comfortable talking to men, usually because they surround her in board meetings and conferences. She has female friends, but they're generally very girly and excitable - hell, she's godmother to three little girls who her friends popped out over the last ten years. She's usually the quiet female in other female's company - it's very disconcerting to have to be the one to carry a conversation.

Her eyes land on Amelia, and she quickly turns her entire body to face Carolyn.

"So, how old is your brilliant little girl?" She beams, deciding the possibility of being stuck in an awkward conversation is much safer than risking angering the former Luna of the pack she's staying in.

"She'll be four next month," Carolyn smiles, her eyes lighting up as she looks at her little girl.

For a second, Avery's heart aches - the chances of her having children since she doesn't have a mate are negligible to none. She shakes it off, refusing to be a downer.

"She is absolutely gorgeous," Avery grins, and the little girl sticks her tongue out, her curls bouncing everywhere.

"Do you have children with your mate?" Carolyn asks softly, her tone quiet and welcoming.

"Unfortunately I don't have a mate," Avery responds, her tone conveying her sadness.

Carolyn doesn't say anything, just grasps Avery's hand and gently squeezes it.

Before anything else is said, the main doors swing open, revealing Alpha Roman.

He is wearing a full suit and looking extremely bothered.

"Begin serving," he commands the pack members who stand around the outside of the hall, and they all vanish to what she assumes is the kitchen.

He stomps his way up the stairs to his seat, where he sits down angrily.

Beta Ryan and Gamma Ben stare at him in concern, and he suddenly stands back up again.

"While I remember, and so you all stop mindlinking me about a trespasser, Deputy Alpha Wilcott will be staying with us for a week or two. She may volunteer some of her time to train the teenagers, as she did today. If anybody has any complaints about her training, please take it up with her. Thank you." He announces, sitting back down as a wave of excitement passes through the crowd.

Avery catches the eye of some of the teenagers, and they smile at her, which surprises her, but doesn't, at the same time.

She smiles and nods back before her dinner is placed in front of her, and she digs in.

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