Part 40

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The drive to the airport is relatively quiet, York occasionally groaning in pain in his seat.

Avery shoots him worried looks, and when he catches on, he turns the other way, his back facing her and his head against the window.

His new position seems to make things a lot worse, and he quickly flips back over, his hand flying out to scrabble for his water bottle desperately.

Ezra, his wolf, is freaking out. He can't calm himself down, and all he can feel is his heart racing as sweat builds upon his brow and neck.

"Avery," he gasps, panting for air as his sister roars to the guards to stop the car.

She quickly drags him out of the vehicle, ripping open his shirt and tilting his head back.

"Is this a panic attack or something else?" She asks, looking into his eyes as he starts convulsing.

We don't know, Ezra links to Sonya, and she can hear the terror in his voice as he loses control of his body and stops responding to her.

Avery curses under her breath, the guards all standing around her and her brother, guns at the ready and their eyes darting around the surrounding forest.

"Somebody call my father," she commands, holding York's head still as he continues to seize.

"Deputy Alpha, we don't have any phone signal here," one guard barks back, looking straight ahead.

Avery stares at them and shakes her head.

"You're all fucking werewolves in case you've forgotten - mindlink him, and do it now - I'm keeping my link open for Ezra," she snarls, letting Sonya take control for a moment to try force Ezra to wake up.

Avery partially shifts, and digs her claws in Ezra's temples, hoping the pain will shock him awake as it has done numerous times before.

He remains unresponsive, and Avery curses, feeling slightly relieved as his seizures slow down and reduce in number.

She makes mental notes of how long he seized for, sending them to one of the doctors in their pack, who is utterly baffled but obeys orders to write down the times she's given.

"Your father says get him to the airport," one of the guards states and Avery runs a hand through her hair.

"I don't know if he can fly like this," she groans but lets three of the guards scoop him back into the car.

She stands up, biting her lips.

Get in, dumbass, the sooner you get to the airport, the sooner somebody else gets to make decisions, Sonya reminds her. Avery quickly clambers into the car, slamming the door behind her so hard that one of the guards flinches.

Mum is going to kill us, Avery groans, and Sonya silently agrees, grimacing as the car takes off at full speed, flying over bumps and rocks.

"Safety first please," Avery calls, watching York's head bob around the car.

She furrows her brows, and takes his neck rest, putting it around his throat and leaning him back, so that he's at least semi immobilised.

Now we hope he doesn't get strangled, Sonya quips sarcastically, but her tone is shaken - both her and Avery hate seeing York in any pain or distress.

Avery pulls out her phone and takes a deep breath, trying to decide between ringing her mother or literally anybody else.

Just get it over with, Sonya suggests, then she can't say we didn't try to contact her.

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