Part 31

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"Shit," Avery mumbles, stumbling through the hallway as she holds onto the wall.

"Bye!" Meredith calls, before she falls back into her room, eyes half-closed and looking thoroughly out of it.

Avery closes her eyes for a minute, and leans against the wall, blinking hard when she starts walking again.

"Almost there!" She nods and wanders down the hall to where she thinks her room might be.

I'm not so sure about that, Sonya butts in, taking the reigns a little, and beginning to steer her in the opposite direction of where she was going.

"Thank you," Avery giggles out loud, drawing a weird look from a couple who are strolling down the hall. 

A door opens near her, and she spots Roman in his glasses.

"Ave?" He groans, taking in her very drunk figure.

"Mhmm," she beams, stumbling over to him and cuddling him tightly.

"Hello there," he chuckles, rubbing her back ruefully.

"I could have come and gotten you from her room, you didn't have to wander around trying to find it yourself," he adds, walking her into the room slowly, and watching as she flings herself onto the bed.

He's really nice sometimes, Sonya says dreamily, the alcohol also affecting her slightly. 

"Only sometimes," Avery mumbles back, and Roman stares at her in confusion, shaking his head at her while he tries not to laugh. 

"Let's get some water into you," he sighs, grabbing a bottle from the dresser, and sitting her up on the bed.

"No," she grumbles stubbornly, "I want a hug."

Avery is an affectionate drunk, and she doesn't get drunk very often.

"If I give you a hug, will you drink your water?" Roman bargains, quirking a brow and sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Yes!" Avery squeals enthusiastically, trying to launch herself at him and almost missing.

He catches her awkwardly, trying to prop her up, but it's like she's boneless, flopping around and not being able to hold herself up properly. 

Avery wraps her legs around him happily, resting her head on his shoulder and squeezing him gently.

Roman turns her head a little and starts pouring water into her open mouth,  rubbing her back lightly when she manages to hold her head up herself. 

"Good girl," he murmurs, and she gives him a weak smile, drinking the water down.

"Can I not have any more water?" She grumbles, turning her head away from the bottle and resting her head back on him.

"You're very comfy," she mumbles, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder before she settles.

"You're very drunk," Roman chuckles, leaning back against the pillows once he closes the water bottle, placing it on the bedside table and wrapping his arms around her lightly.

"Did you have a nice night?" She beams, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"I did, I had some drinks with the guys. Not as many as you and Meredith, but we had a few. We talked about-" Avery cuts him off excitedly.

"Was Zephyr there? He's so nice, he's really lovely, and I'm so happy he found his mate! He stood for me!" She grins, sitting up on his lap and looking into his eyes.

"Yes he was there, and yes he did stand for you," Roman smiles, trying to stop himself laughing at how adorable she is.

Booker rises in his head, cackling.

If she were sober, you'd be doing everything but laughing, he smirks, and Roman rolls his eyes outwardly. 

We'll settle for just holding her tonight, Roman responds, holding her closer to him and rubbing her back. 

"I'm really happy I met you that day in the woods," Avery confesses, closing her eyes as she rests her head back on his chest.

"I'm glad I met you that day too," he whispers, laying down and pulling the sheets over them both.

"Roman, I think.." She starts, hesitating after a moment. 

"Yes?" He asks softly, peering down at her as he turns off the light.

Oh, she's gonna say it, she's gonna say it, Booker grins, and Roman rolls his eyes again, a frequent occurrence when dealing with his wolf. 

There are another few moments of silence before Avery whispers "I think I might like you." 

Roman doesn't get much sleep that night.

The morning comes too quickly, and Roman feels the light flitting through the window shades hit his face.

After a while of him laying in silence, he can feel Avery stir slightly on his chest.

He looks down at her, to see her staring at him in slight confusion.

"Good morning," he mumbles gruffly,  looking away from her.

"Good morning," she responds quietly, putting her head back on his bare chest and avoiding his eyes. 

"How's your head?" He asks, brushing a strand of her hair out of his face.

"Pounding, like it always is after drinks with Mer," she chuckles ruefully, massaging her temples. 

"Did you mean what you said last night?" He questions, his tone monotone and cold.

Avery freezes, her mind racing.

Sonya, what the fuck did we say?, Avery pleads, forcing her wolf to wake up.

I have no idea; I have zero clues, Sonya groans, let me fix this hangover, then ask me questions

After their brief exchange, Sonya blocks Avery out, and Avery can feel the beginnings of the pressure in her skull lifting. 

"I don't know what I said," Avery mumbles, and Roman gently lifts her off of him.

"They say drunk words are sober thoughts," he says grimly, sliding out of bed and grabbing his phone.

"What did I say?" She cries out as he walks into the bathroom.

"What the fuck did I say?" She groans, rubbing her face and picking up her own phone. 

She has numerous drunk messages from Meredith, and then an apology at the end. She has six texts from York, filling her in on the gossip he heard at the bar.

Flicking through them, she notices a message about Roman, and she widens her eyes, squinting to try focusing on her screen.

She spots her name in the quote, and she makes an extraordinary attempt to decipher the words.

'Avery Wilcott will be my end?', Sonya pops in to help, and Avery raises a brow.

The fuck does he mean, 'his end'? Where has this prophecy shit come from?, Avery grumbles back, getting up from the bed to quickly, and stumbling all over the place. 

This wasn't one of your better ideas, oh my god, you dumb bitch, Sonya whimpers, and Avery slides down the bedside table to the ground.

I'm never drinking again, Avery responds with her eyes closed, her hands scrambling for her water bottle from the night before.

Famous last words, her wolf snarls. 

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