Part 69

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"Lilith Addison, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" The head of the Council roars, and Lilith sits up straight.

Avery's blood is boiling, and Zephyr is sitting near the door in case he needs to be removed from the room quickly.

"Of course," Lilith announces, her eyes scanning the courtroom blankly.

Her demeanour is detached, and she has no emotion in her face at all.

She doesn't look at Zephyr or Avery.

Just because she's here doesn't mean she's going to say anything bad about us, Sonya reminds her.

If the Council have their way, they'll get her to blame us for her kidnapping and injuries, Avery responds to her wolf, her eyes flashing as she watches the woman on the stand twirl her hair.

What kind of mother could abandon their pup?, Sonya ponders sadly, miserable at the mere thought of abandoning a child.

We don't know what's happening in her life; it could be for his own protection, Avery warns her wolf.

She might be annoyed at Lilith, but she knows what it's like to have people presume the worst about you - she won't let her wolf be angry about Emmett being abandoned, she'll instead encourage her to appreciate Lilith for her sacrifice so that the little boy can have an even better life.

She's annoyed because Lilith volunteered to testify.

The fact she requested to be anonymous means she isn't going to be very nice.

Testifying anonymously implies that the testimony has sensitive or dangerous information. Avery can't see any information that Lilith has as being either, especially in relation to her - Lilith was only at her pack for two days before being attacked, she was never involved in any meetings or teleconferencing - Kali would be the one everyone had to worry about if that was what this was about.

"Mrs Addison," the man begins.

"Ms Cole, actually, please," she coughs, and the man grimaces.

"Ms Cole, why did you go to the Rapid Rock pack?" The man asks, fixing his tie and wiping sweat off his brow.

Now that Avery actually looks at the Council, they look petrified.

Of course, that could have something to do with the way Zephyr is staring at them like a dog stares at a steak. He looks bloodthirsty, and they all seem affected.

"As protection from my own former pack," Lilith simply responds.

"Protection from what?" He questions.

"There was an uprising. Some pack members wanted the traditional way back, but Zephyr refused to make human sacrifices, among other things. They quashed the uprising easily, but there were still concerns for my safety as I was pregnant," she elaborates blankly.

Her face is so emotionless that it's creeping Sonya out.

It's like she's a robot or something, I don't like it, the wolf mumbles, and Avery frowns.

"So you went to Rapid Rock for protection?" He asks again.

"Yes, but if the pack asked, I went for training," she mutters, looking slightly uneasy.

Unease is the first emotion she has shown since she first stepped into the courtroom.

Every Alpha is staring at her.

During the other testimonials, some Alphas watched Avery for her reaction, to see what she thought of different things being said.

This time, no eyes are on Avery.

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