Part 77

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The rest of the weekend had been a little awkward.

The sparks had begun, and Avery jolted every time Roman touched her, even if it was just a brush off as he walked by.

Roman was falling hard and fast, and the four days together only solidified that.

Nobody had caught on yet, and Avery had no idea how.

The lie they had created was that their wolves had imprinted on each other. Although it caused some raised eyebrows, since imprinting wasn't really done in modern times, her parents had simply accepted it, nodding along with the excuse if anyone questioned it in front of them.

Light, silky scarves had been Avery's go-to accessory to hide her mark.

It was the middle of summer, so she couldn't exactly start wearing polo-neck jumpers.

Roman had it easy - he just wore collared shirts whenever they had to go and be around people.

"That was fun," Avery grumbles, yanking her scarf from around her neck and flinging it onto the bed as she itches.

"Stop scratching, you'll make it worse," Roman reprimands without looking up from his phone as he unbuttons his shirt, folding it with one hand while he continues to frown at his screen.

"Are all of your fighters ready for tomorrow?" He asks, and she sighs, rubbing her temples.

"They say they are, so hopefully they're not lying. How about yours?" She questions as she slips her long skirt off, flinging it into her suitcase.

"I have no idea. They're all so nervous that they can't even form a sentence, so we'll see how they do," he sighs, picking her skirt up and folding it for her.

She stares at him in confusion, shaking her head as he places it gently into her suitcase again.

"It'll get creased, you said you might wear it to go home on Thursday," he grumbles, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

They were sharing a room at the Trials.

Alphas were only allowed to bring their fighters and three generals, and rooming situations varied.

The fighters were housed in hotel rooms or dorm rooms, depending on their age and skill level.

The generals and Alphas buddied up with their respecting ranks and shared rooms.

Avery and Roman had offered to share a room to take some of the confusion out of the process, and the girl at the front desk had looked so relieved she may have cried.

"Do you think they're prepared for the Trials?" Avery asks after a few minutes of silence, and Roman shrugs.

"My pack has never focused on fighting education for the youths, which meant we came in at the bottom of the ranks for a few years. The fighters here today have never fought in one of these situations before, so to be truthful, I have no idea if they're prepared. We should have exposed them to this sort of thing from earlier on in their lives, but we were peace believing," he grimly states, and Avery climbs onto the bed behind him, wrapping her arms around him.

They both shiver as the tingles run through them everywhere they're touching.

"It'll be okay," she nods, and he sighs.

"I hope so," he mutters.

She gently runs her fingers along his biceps, kissing his shoulder and then abruptly letting go.

"Okay, we have to go check on the kids for final inspection," she nods firmly, slipping a pair of formal trousers and a silk blouse on.

She tucks a new scarf into it and fusses with the material for a minute or two while Roman watches her, amusement clear on his face as his lips quirk up and his eyes crinkle.

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