ice cream and driving style

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Obi-wan regreted going with them the moment Anakin started driving. He stood by his statment ,Flying is for droids'. Luke and Leia on the other hand loved their father's driving style. ,,Woohhuu!'', Luke screamed throughing his hands in the air. Leia was also enying herself, she laught out loud every time her father drove faster or made one of his stuns. Anakin grinned seeing his children so happy, he also enjoyed annoying his master and Ahsoka just sat there grinning widly. It didn't take them long to reach the ice caffee. Anakin parked the speader ,,carefully''. Ahsoka, he and his twins jumped out while Obi-wan tried to find out were was up and down. When he felt better the five force-useres entered the shop. While in secunds every eye in the shop was pinned in them. Luke looked at his father and asked: ,,Dad why are they staring at us?'' Anakin noticed that the eyes of those hearing the question grew wide. The man could hear their shocked thoughts. He look at his son again and answered: ,,Luke you know'', he paused trying to find the right words, ,,let's say, it's not every day the children of a Jedi travel through time.'' The boy nodded in understanding, before turning his attantion to the diffrent ice cream flavours. The child's eyes seemed to pop out of his head the moment he saw the ice cream. ,,What do you want Luke?'' Ahsoka asked. ,,I have absolutly no idea'', he wispered. The Troguta smiled and said: ,,May I recoment something to you?'' The boy nodded. ,,Zitros and Stawberry'', she answered. A few minuts later everyone had their ice cream: Anakin; three time choclate, Leia; apple and mango, Obi-wan; banana and chocolate and Luke and Ahsoka; zitros and strawberry. ,,Thank you dad'', Leia said happily while eating. ,,Don't mention it princess, erything to make you happy'', Anakin replied grinning. When he turned to Luke, he noticed his son was over clouds and not really present. ,, Luke, earth to Luke, are you there?'', he asked. Luke snapped out of his thoughts, turned red and nodded shyly, while mumbling: ,,Yes dad.'' Anakin laught before turned to his old master and asked: ,,What did the council think about the twins?'' Obi-wan started smiling: ,,I'm not allowed to talk about things like this, of course'', the man paused still smiling, ,,but let's say we all agree, that they inherited your powers.'' The younger man smilied relived. Those were good news especally since his master was still smiling. ,,Well I knew that already'', he looked at his kids, who were laughing and playing with Ashoka, ,,They are mine and they are perfect.'' Obi-wan looked at his former padawan with pride. You will be an amazing father Anakin'', he said. The knight turned away from his playing children and padawan and answered: ,,I really hope so. I want to give them the best childhood possible. They are great kids and deserve the best of everything. Half an hour later, they finished eating and drove back again. Obi-wan asked Anakin to drive slower but well, he didn't. Very much to Obi-wans misfortune and the amusment of every one else. ,,Faster dad faster!'' Luke cheered laughing. The boy knew exactly why his father did this and he joined it gladly. Thanks to Anakin's ,no tempolimit' driving style they were back at the temple quite quickly. ,,See you tomorrow'', said Ahsoka before jumping out of the speader. Obi-wan also wished them a good night and left. And so the little family drove back to padme's appartment.

596 words

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