Returning from the death

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Everyone was in a state of absolut shock. What by the will of the force did just happen. After Luke thew the light at his father, the man started breathing again. His son on the other hand sank back to the ground and when the light and the wind were gone, everyone could see Luke with white-golden wings, dressed in a white gown, laying unconcious on his fathers chest. ,,Luke!'', Leia cried out, came at her brother's side, knelt down and looked down at her brother and father. The she shock her brother, trying to wake him ,,Luke? Luke?! Wake up Luke?'' but the boy didn't open his eyes. ,,Obi-wan why doesn't he wake up? Is he - is'', she just couldn't finish the sentence because she started sobbing again. ,,No, no my dear'', the man said, ,,he'll be fine, he is just very excausted. This was a lot of power he just used.'' Now Padme knelt down as well, laying a genle hand on her daughter's shoulder. ,,Master Kenobi, what did just happen?'', she asked and in that very moment, Anakin opened his eyes. ,,Oh by the force my head'', he wispered. ,,Ani!'', the woman cried out and throw herself at her husband. ,,Ow''', he moaned. ,,Oh sorry honey'', Padme wispered when she realized that she had hurt the man. ,,What happened?'', he asked confused. ,,Well you kind of died'', Leia answered. The man's eyes widden in shock: ,,I-I what? I mean I am not dead'', he stuttered. ,,Not any more'', Obi-wan said smiling, ,,you can thank your son! He made quit a show." Still confused, Anakin turned around surching for his son. The breath of the knight stocked for a moment when he discovered the boy laying on his chest. Now not in the black clothes he wore in the morning but in a white gown with white-golden wings. ,,How?'', Anakin asked once again. ,,Not sure we are'', Master Yoda said, he and the other jedi had kept their distance for a few minuts until they thought it was the right moment to speak. ,,The ways of the force are mistirious'' Windu said. ,,Your son's love, saved you, it has'', the little green Jedi said, ,,distroyed the Sith you son has, the true chosen one your son is'', Anakin looked at Yoda buffled. When he prozessed the words, he smiled and said: ,,Well we Skywalkers'', but he was cut of by Obi-wan: ,,Do always the impossible.'' Anakin stood up and looked down at his still unconcious son, who was now save in his arms. ,,Äh Obi-wan, is it only me or has Luke really wings?'', he asked. ,,The Jedi Master smiled at hos former padawan, when he explained that it had been part of the transformation. ,,Well it is official'', Leia said giggeling. The grown ups looked at her confused ,,Oh I sometimes called him light bringer or angel'', the girl explained, ,,it seems like he is offical an angel.'' ,,I couldn't agree more'', Padme said, turning to look at her husband, ,,after all he brought you back to me. The couple hugged each other. ,,Home you should bring him'', Master Yoda said. ,,Yes Skywalker your son need rest. Bring him to the temple'', Master Windu said. ,,I will'', Anakin answered. ,,You're all right?'', asked before Anakin had the chance to leave. ,,Yes Master I am. Everything is fine, I just want to go home with my family'', the Knight answered. The Jedi noddend and let the family go back to their appartment. Anakin carried Luke to Padme's speader and sat him beside Leia on the backsead. Under the applause and the cheers of the crowd, they drove away back home. Everything was well now. The Skywalkers could finally live in peace and happiness.

628 words

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