A son's request

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When Luke opened his eyes again, he looked up to his sister. The girl had a big grin on her face and an happy glimmer in her eyes. ,,Good morning sleepy head'', Leia said, ,,Mom made breakfeast, do you come?'' Luke started smiling as well, delighted by the thought of a home made breakfeast. ,,Sure'', he said before jumping out off his bed and running with his sister towards the kitchen. There sat their mother and father on the kitchen table and wispering. ,,What do you think they are talking about?'', Leia asked quitly. The twins had stopped shortly before entering the kitchen, because they wanted to know what this was about. Meanwhile Anakin, not knowing that the twins were earsdroping, told his wife about the plan to arrest Palpetine. ,,Oh Anakin this is really risky and dangerous. You have to be careful, we don't know what he is capable of. I couldn't bare to lose you, especally now with the twins. They need you Ani. I need you!'' she told him in an almost begging voice. Anakin's smiled softly at his wife and took her hands gently in his own ,,You won't lose me my angel, this is relativly save compared to all the other things I did. And if it works we can most likly end the war in no time and our children will grow up in a save galaxy. We will be a happy family. We can travel to Naboo and visit you parents, we won't have to worry so much anymore.'' Now she smiled as well, hugged and kissed him. Suddenly they heard a snicker coming from the hallway. As the couple turned towards the sound and there stood Luke and Leia with big grinnes on their faces. ,,Oh hello my little spies'', Anakin said friendly and waved his children to him. The kids giggled and sat on the two spare chairs at the table. They started eating breakfeast, Luke was still amazed by the amazing tastes and Leia still silently laughing at his face each time he tasted something knew. After the family had finished eating, Luke approached his father and asked him if they could talk in privat. Anakin was a bit confused and worried about his son's serious voice but nodded and went to Luke's room. Father and son sat on the bed and Luke started talking: ,,Dad I heard what you said earlier, about arresting the Chancoller'', Anakin nodded and said: ,,Yes I got a call from the temple. We'll arrest him at the parade in two days." Luke stayed quiet for a few more moments before he launched forward into his father's arms. ,,Please be careful dad'', the boy said worried, both the father and son just found each other and didn't want to lose their new found family. ,,I'll be careful son, I promised'', replied Anakin now looking in Luke's big blue eyes, ,,but I have to do this for the republic. It's my duty as a Jedi. Do you understand this Luke?'' He nodded. ,,Come no my son, let's get back before your mother and sister wonder were we are'', said Anakin reaching out for his son's hand. Luke smiled, taking it and they both went back to the kitchen. ,,About what did he wanted to talk with you?'' Padme asked a little concerned. ,,Oh don''t worry angel, he just asked me to be careful at the next mission with Palpetine'', he Anakin replied. Padme feachers softed and she grabbed his arm pulling him closer to her. ,,So I really hope you will be Skywalker, if you make me children cry, I will come to the afterlive and drag you back, do you understand me.'' He grinned and kissed her: ,,Every word my angel.''

628 words

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