Go on a mission

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The two days past quicker then everyone wanted. Soon the day of the parade arrived and all four Skywalkers found themselves in the Jedi council room, Master Yoda had called the meating to discoting the plan once more. Anakin stood in the center of the room holding his wifes hand, who stood to his right and the children in front of him. They as well stood as close to their parents as possible. ,,So agree on the plan everyone does?'', Master Yoda asked. The plan was actually really simple: Four master would approch and arrest him. Then Master Yoda and Anakin would join them. Anakin woul explaine the Chancollers crimes to the public, he was after all the hero with no fear, the people would listen to him. Then they would bring the Chancoller to the temple, into a cell for dark side users. There he would wait for his trail. The masters and the Skywalkers nodded. ,,Where are I suppost to be?'', Padme asked. ,,You'll be by the other senators at the feast, it would look suspicious if you don't attent the parade'', Master Windu answered. ,,What about us?'', Leia asked. The dark skinned man shot the twins a harsh look. Obi-wan on the other hand smiled friendly at them and answered: ,,Ahsoka will watch over you until your parents return.'' Luke and Leia smiled relived, Ahsoka was really nice and funny. ,,All that was, dismissed you are, at the feast will see, prepare yourself should'', the green jedi dismissed them. Anakin and his family were the first to leave the room, followed by Obi-wan. ,,Hey master, what do you plan to do for the next few hours?'' Anakin asked. ,,I will meditate my former padawan if you belive it or not, and you?'', the man replied. ,,I planed to spend the time with my family, with dinner and some games'', Anakin said, he shot a look at his wife and kids, they all knew what he wanted to say or ask and so they smiled and nodded. ,,Do you wanna join us master?'' the young man asked. Obi-wan couldn't help but smile happily. His eyes went to the face of his former padawan and his family, they all smiled warmly at him. ,,Yes I would like that'', was his answer. So they walked out of the temple, on their way they meet Ahsoka and all six of them made their way to Padmes appartment, a place were they all felt more or less at home. When they arrived there Padme, Ahsoka and Leia started to make some snackes, while Luke, his father and Obi-wan searched for the family games. It was a nice and very funny time, especially for the twins. Sitting on the sofa, laughing, playing games and forgetting all the problems and every danger in the galaxy. Sadly the time flew by and soon Obi-wan, Padme and Anakin had to leave for their mission. ,,When you will be back?", Leia asked. ,,As soon as possible little princess'', Anakin answered, ,,no later then morning. The twins hugged their parents once more. ,,May the force be with you'', said Luke. Anakin smiled at him and answered: ,,May the force be with you my son.'' ,,Be nice ok'', Padme said, ,,listen to Ahsoka and behave.'' ,,Oh I am sure everything will be just be fine'', Ahsoka answered, hopping it would comfort the woman. ,,We'll be nice mom'', both kids answered smiling innocently. So Padme, Anakin and Obi-wan left, hoping to return as soon as possible.

588 words

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