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Luke and Leia stood by the window until their parents speaders were out of sight. ,,Do you think they will return safely?'' Leia asked, her voice shaking. ,,I don't know it Leia. We have to trust them and we have to trust the force'', he aswered, ,,but I think the chances are good they will. This comforted her a bit. Now Ahsoka came into the living room and asked: ,,Hey little Skyguys, what do you wanna do?'' The twins giggle at their nickname and answered: ,,Please tell us a story about mom and dad.'' Ahsokas smile grew, of course she had noticed the twins love for the storys of ,,The hero with no fear'' and the beatiful and brave senator who also happened to be their parents. The young Trogruta thought for a moment and tried to find the perfect story for the kids. ,,All right, how about the first mission your parents had together, while the mission they fell in love with each other.'' The twins of course were delighted and so all three force users sat down on the large sofa and Ahsoka started talking: ,,It all started when your father was still a padawan, he and Obi-wan were assined to proteced Padme because someone tried to assassinate her. Leia gasped and Luke lay her arm around her, as if he wanted to proteced her. Ahsoka smiled: ,,Don't worry, Skyguy would never let that happen. Anyway when your father saw your mother, he was stunned how beautiful she was. He couldn't bring out a complite sentence....'', and so he told them about the assassinants attemeps on Padme's live, how Anakin saved Padme, how she spoke in the senate, the travel to Naboo and so on. When Ahsoka was almost done, she suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass. The twins looked at her with wide eyes. ,,Someone is in the appartment'', Leia wispered, she really tried not to show her fear but Luke still noticed it and hugged her tightly, in order to comfort his little. ,,Don't be affraid. I'll look what it is'', Ahsoka said. She stood up, grabbed her sabers and walked in the direction the sound came from. Suddenly she heard the kids screams. Ahsoka turned around and gasped. There stood Ventress, right in the middle of the living room, both lightsabers ignided and in her hands. ,,What do you want Ventress?'', the girl hissed. Normally she would use a insolting nickname but with the twins in the room, she couldn't risk it. On the other side of the room stood Luke, infront of Leia his saber in his hand, ready to fight if nessesary. ,,Oh just look at him'', Ventress said mockingly to Ahsoka, ,,Skywalker's little brat always a hero just like his daddy.'' The woman jumped forward and started the fight. ,,You won't get the children'', the padawan hissed, ,,I won't let you.'' Ventress attacked again and Ahsoka blocked it, using all of her strange. ,,Oh my dear child, I won't get them'', she grinning evily, ,,I am only here to distruct you.'' Ahsokas eyes widden as she heard Leia's scream, a blaster shot and a hiss of pain. When Ahsoka turned around her blood ran cold. There was Pane the bounty hunter, he held a blaster in one hand, pointing it at Luke, the other held his bleeding side. It seemed Luke had deflicted his first shot. Ventress used the opportunity, jumped forward and knocked Ahsoka unconcious. Now it was only him and Pale against two children. ,,All right little ones'', said the dark side user before she attacked Luke and Leia.

602 words

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