Chapter 1

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It was lunchtime, but Sofia was not in the school's cafeteria. It was always too crowded and noisy, and the food wasn't the best anyways.

Instead she preferred playing intruments to her heart's content in one of the empty music rooms. Today it was one of her favourites, an acoustic violin. It was one of the school's few undamaged ones, so she handled it with care and hoped no other student would accidentally break it.

Her stomach growled, but she knew the money she had on her wouldn't be enough to buy even a cheese sandwich. To make matters worse tommorrow would be the last day of school before the one week of school holidays, she had no idea how she would be able to survive being home with her mother for the entire time.

She would just go to the library for the entire day or something, was what she concluded.

Maybe she could read up on other types of guitars like last time, or just indulge herself in a random story.

For now, she made the best use of time by practicing a difficult piece she memorised on the piano in preparation for a competition in a few months time. It was being hosted at some rich private school, but she was easily able to enter.

After all she was considered a musical genius. If she was able to at least place in the event then she would win a large amount of money as well as being sponsored by a famous musician who was to attend to be a judge. That would mean she could finally get away from her mother for good once she turned 18 and could go anywhere without a guardian.

A ringing in her pocket distracted her from her thoughts, and Sofia rushed to pick up without even checking who it was.


"Hey...Are you Sofia Jones by any chance?"

"Erm yes? Who are you?"

"I'm Officer Ross, I'm very sorry to inform you of your mother's death."

"W-what? How?!"

"A hit and run case I'm afraid."

So it wasn't overdosing after all.

"Am I... going to an orphanage then?"

"Well that hasn't been decided yet. My team found out you have other existing relatives, so we'll contact them to ask if they're willing to adopt you."

She had other family? Her mum had never told her that.

"I-I see..."

"You'll be picked up after school by me, and once again, I'm very sorry for your loss."

Officer Ross then hung up, and Sofia thought she hadn't sounded very sorry at all. Then again, Sofia didn't feel very upset after hearing about her mother's death. Instead she was relieved.

Relieved that she wouldn't come home to a woman who would beat and yell at her for being a terrible daughter.

Relieved that she wouldn't have to live in a home drenched in the revolting smell of drugs, or a 'mother' who would try and make Sofia sleep with men she owed money to.

Relieved that she wouldn't have to live off a few notes and coins she would take from her mother's wallet.

For now, her only worry were these so called relatives. Sofia knew she had a biological father, but had been told once that he had died years ago.

A few hours later...

After school had ended, Sofia waited by the school gates before getting in a police car which pulled up, she was glad it was late since she didn't want to attract attention.

The driver was a petite female who seemed to be in her early thirties and wore a blank face; Sofia assumed she was Officer Ross.

"Hello again Sofia, I have some more news to tell you, positive this time."

Her other family decided not to adopt her and she could stay by herself?

"Your brother agreed to adopt you immediately, and even paid for your flight ticket to the city he lives in for tommorow!"

Dang it. Wait a second...

"I have a brother?"

"Yes, six older brothers to be precise, I just contacted the eldest one." After seeing Sofia's frown she added, "I'm sure it won't be bad."

You try having lots of older brothers you've never met before and see if you like it, lady.

"Anyways, for now, let's go to where you live and you can take what you need as quickly as you can."

Sofia wanted to tell her that it wouldn't take her long since she didn't have much, but then decided against it and helped the officer with directions to the block of flats where she lived.

As soon as they arrived, Sofia could feel the woman's concerned look on her. Let's just say the girl didn't live in the best neighbourhood, and the building was pretty old and run-down.

She quickly got out and ran to the flat she lived in. She found that the door was left open, by none other than her careless mother when she went out earlier. 

Upon entering, Sofia was instantly hit with the usual stench of cannabis, but ignored that and went to her tiny bedroom. She pulled out a small suitcase from under her bed, and filled it with the few possessions she had. In her schoolbag, she put in her books, music notes and pieces, as well as her sleeping pills.

Once she was done, she dragged her stuff back to the car and finally sat back down into the front seat.

"Before we leave for the airport, are there any friends or places you want to visit Sofia?"

She shook her head, of course she didn't have any friends! It was safer that way, no one could risk finding out about the conditions she had lived in.

The Officer simply nodded and drove them away, and Sofia plugged in her earphones and listened to some Bach.

Going through the airport was a bit long, but she didn't mind since it was her first time and she was quite excited to board the plane. Once she reached the waiting area, Sofia was sipping on a cola Officer Ross had brought her, and began to stress over meeting her new family.

What if they don't like her? Or they think she's not good enough? Or if they turn out to be like mother...

"Officer...Can I ask you something?"

The woman glanced up from her phone and nodded.

"What if I don't like it at my brothers' home? Can I come back here instead?"

Ross frowned before saying, "Well it's not as simple as that. I'll come in a week or two's time to see how you're finding it and if it really isn't working out- by that I mean things like if there's signs of abuse or the financial situation is bad- then you can come back."

"Ok..." The response hadn't been quite what Sofia expected, she thought a simple 'I don't like it here' would be enough for her to avoid living with these people, but there was more to it than it seemed.

"But hey, once you're 18 there's no stopping you from going or doing what you want, right?"

"I guess. Thanks Officer."

With that Ross continued scrolling through her phone.

An hour or so later, it was time for Sofia's flight. It was quite late at night and the plane was due to land in the morning. She shared an awkward but warm hug with Officer Ross before pulling back.

"See you, and thanks for the cola Officer."

"Goodbye Sofia, and just call me Mel."

Sofia changed her mind, Mel was not as bad as she had initially thought.

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