Chapter 16

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Sofia stood in the centre of her walk-in closet, extremely confused. Despite all the clothes in the room, she had absolutely no idea what to wear.

What did they mean by 'comfortable'?

She sighed and massaged her forehead, so this was the phenomenon that she had seen many girls go through: "I have nothing to wear."

The weather was pretty good today, so she decided to wear something airy and casual. Her bruises had healed quite nicely thanks to Remo, which is why she decided to have more confidence in herself for once and put on a black crop top with printed butterflies on it with loose jeans. 

Once she put on her converses, she grabbed her phone and rushed downstairs, not wanting to keep her brothers waiting too long.

On the way she ran into Luca, who smiled as usual at her.

"Before you go, there's something I wanted to give you. A small gift."

Her brother took out a small box, inside which was a golden chained necklace with an admiral pendant on it. It matched the colour of her eyes. The girl looked at it with awe.

"Is that...for me?"

Luca nodded and helped her put it on after she tied her hair into a high ponytail to avoid it getting tangled with the beautiful necklace.

He looked at her with adoration in his eyes, "it looks lovely on you."

She looked down bashfully and twirled the pendant in her fingers, before meeting his eyes again.

"Does this have a tracker in it too?"

Sofia was never one to smile or laugh, however was dangerously close to doing just that as she saw the panicked expression on her brother's face.

"W-what? No!"

She raised an eyebrow, still amused, "I'm not mad, I understand the reason behind it."

The girl raised her phone, which told Luca that she knew that had a tracker in it as well. He ran a hand through his hair. His sister could see him deciding on whether to tell her the truth or not, and so was glad that he eventually did.

"Our family has a lot of enemies, so we have to take precautions like these. You might think it's extreme, but after the kidnapping incident we thought it's better to give you something which would stay on you at all times."

"I understand."

He looked at his sister in shock, not expecting this sort of maturity from such a young girl. He smiled softly in thanks and made his way to a lounge with her, where everyone else was seated.

Well, nearly everyone. She hadn't seen much of Remo  in the past few days, it seemed he was always busy at the hospital. The girl secretly hoped he was not overworking himself.

"Go change."

She blinked and looked over at Dante who had just spoken. "No."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "I'm not repeating myself, go change Sofia."

Rocco rolled his eyes, "what's wrong with what's she's wearing? It's fine for where we're supposed to go."

"I just don't want other guys looking at her weirdly!"

"Oh come on Dante, she shouldn't have to cover up because of other people."

"I wasn't even talking to you Rocco!" He snarled.

Luca got in between the two of them and snapped at them to calm down. The girl was slightly surprised at the sudden outburst. She knew that Dante had a short temper, causing him to get into arguments almost everyday. Though she had never been involved in one until now, he had never raised his voice on her before this either, after all she was his soft spot.

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