Chapter 13

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"You're Marc's sister aren't you?"


The older girl grinned at Sofia as she twisted a lock of her bleached hair around her finger repeatedly. She inched forward and the girl did the opposite until her back hit the wall and there was nowhere to escape.

How did this situation come about? 

Well it all started at the beginning of lunch when she was finding her way to the canteen to sit and eat with her friends. Before she knew it, she had been cornered by some of the older 'popular' girls of the school.

Sofia had seen them at the same table as the twins several times, however was never approached by any of them until now. A tall girl stepped forward, she recognised her to be the same girl that hung around Marco the most. She seemed to be a leader of some sort amongst these girls.

The older girl wore a lot of makeup that helped accentuate her natural beauty; if it wasn't for the mean look in her eye, Sofia would have thought of her as beautiful like the rest of school does.

"Well Sarah, you must know who I am right?"

"It's Sofia...and no I don't."

She raised an eyebrow and ignored the correction, "how could you not know me?!"

The rest of the girls shared confused looks and settled on glaring at poor Sofia, who was anxious to get away.

"Erm well I know you're friends with the twins."

She smirked, "so she does know a thing or two. And I'm not just friends, I'm Marc's girlfriend."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"I'm Tanya Reeds," she looked back at the rest of the girls who immediately dispersed so it was now only the two of them, "I came here to tell you something."

Where did she hear that name before?

"Can't this wait? I have to go for lunch."

Tanya looked irritated, but somehow managed to compose herself. She swung an arm around the shorter girl and led her towards the canteen.

"Fine. I'll tell you on the way. I need your help."

Sofia furrowed her eyebrows, "I thought you'd tell me to stay away or something."

The other girl rolled her eyes, "I'm not an idiot,you guys live together. Besides, you're not my competition anyways."

"So what do you need help with?"

For some reason, Tanya blushed. "I want to be Marc's girlfriend, but he doesn't see me the same way."

"You just said you are his girlfriend?"

"I am! Well...not yet, that's why I came to you."

They eventually turned and were only a corridor away from their destination, Sofia couldn't wait to leave, she felt incredibly awkward.

"Sorry to break it to you, I would help you except I don't get along with Marco at all so it's pointless for me to get involved. I can maybe put in a good word with Rocco though..."

"I don't want Rocco!" She snapped and a sad look came across her eyes.

"I know you probably think I'm some slut who just wants either of the twins for popularity and money, but I really like Marc...There's a lot of girls who want him and I have no idea how I'll ever make him like me back, so I came to you as my last option."

Sofia didn't say anything at first, then scrunched her nose, "Marco's really mean and ugly."

Tanya laughed, "you're his sister, I'm not surprised you don't see what I do."

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