You Realize They Are The One

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Sherlock Holmes: You realize he is the One when you two realize that whatever one of you is doing, the other one is there, no matter what it is.

John Watson: You realize he is the One when he encourages you to go after what you want.

Greg Lestrade: You realize he is the One when he can cheer you up on a bad day.

Mycroft Holmes:You realize he is the One when he knows when you are not in the mood and comforts you.

Jim Moriarty: You realize he is the One when he makes everything fun.

Sebastian Moran: You realize he is the One when he stops everything for you.

Molly Hooper: You realize she is the One when she knows how you take your coffee.

Mary Morstan: You realize she is the One when she is on the same page as you in every situation.

Eurus Holmes: You realize she is the One when she challenges you to be your better self.

Irene Adler: You realize she is the One when she fights to be with you.

A/N: Which family from the show (Holmes, Watson, Hudson, Lestrade, etc.) would you like to be a part of?

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