If You Had Superpowers

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Sherlock Holmes:

His power would be Poison Generation (The ability to produce and emit poison from the body.)

Your power would be Achluokinesis (The ability to create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.)

John Watson:

His power would be Atmokinesis (The ability to manipulate weather-based atmospheric phenomena.)

Your power would be Geokinesis (The ability to control Earth elements like dirt and rocks.)

Greg Lestrade:

His power would be Cryokinesis (The ability to manipulate and generate ice.)

Your power would be Flight (The ability to rise up and move through the air.)

Mycroft Holmes:

His power would be Telepathy (The ability to use your mind to read thoughts and communicate with others.)

Your power would be Shapeshifting (The ability to change yourself to look like any person, sometimes also animals and objects.)

Jim Moriarty:

His power would be Power Absorption (The ability to absorb the powers or life energy of others.)

Your power would be Energy Conversion (The ability to absorb energy and convert it into a different kind of energy.)

Sebastian Moran:

His power would be Invisibility (The ability to become unseen to the naked eye.)

Your power would be Psychic Shield (The ability to be resist any psychic attack on oneself or others)

Molly Hooper:

Her power would be Wound Transferal (The ability to transfer the wounds of a sufferer to on their own bodies, and either heal from that, or transfer the wound on to another.)

Your power would be Possession (The ability to take control of someone else's body.)

Mary Morstan:

Her power would be Gyrokinesis (The ability to manipulate the gravitational pull of the Earth.)

Your power would be Hydrokinesis (The ability to manipulate water.)

Eurus Holmes:

Her power would be Sonic Scream (The ability to emit a powerful sonic boom from the vocal chords.)

Your power would be Self-Multiplication (The ability to create multiple versions of yourself at once.)

Irene Adler:

Her power would be Reality Warping (The ability to allow the bearer to change reality as they see fit.)

Your power would be Telekinesis (The ability to move objects and people with your mind.)


If you were to have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

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